I'm not really sure it does.
No reference to pipes, fine cuisine or corduroy. It's off the mark by a large margin.
rnuk http://flickr.com/rnuk, Sun 14 Feb 2010, 22:26,
It's got it all rnuk.
A bit of name dropping, something quirky, doing it because you think it'll make you more interesting. It's seriously the perfect rnuk post.
mike woz ere 7442200 & 7696970 getter, Sun 14 Feb 2010, 22:27,
Serbia isn't a person, mike.
Noit happy baby orangutan, Sun 14 Feb 2010, 22:28,
Isn't it the name of a country?
mike woz ere 7442200 & 7696970 getter, Sun 14 Feb 2010, 22:30,
I don't think it counts as name dropping if the name in't a person.
Otherwise you could accuse someone talking about how they'd been to Mcdonalds as being a right namedropper. Fucking luvvies, banging on about Mcdonalds, in my day we called it t'chippy AND WE WERE HAPPIER.
Noit happy baby orangutan, Sun 14 Feb 2010, 22:32,
I'm actually going to click it because it far out-rnuks anything else suggested in this subthread.
mike woz ere 7442200 & 7696970 getter, Sun 14 Feb 2010, 22:29,
I like rnuk.
He's a Good Person.
Wicca'd Witch needs ideas for a new sig on..., Sun 14 Feb 2010, 22:33,
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis, Sun 14 Feb 2010, 22:34,
Oh shush up Spackmund.
Wicca'd Witch needs ideas for a new sig on..., Sun 14 Feb 2010, 22:36,
lol it's tipped the scales
mike woz ere 7442200 & 7696970 getter, Sun 14 Feb 2010, 22:38,