Had lessons a few years ago but had to stop because I had surgery.
( , Sun 6 Jun 2010, 12:08, archived)

I hope you're happy
( , Sun 6 Jun 2010, 12:14, archived)

like the robin hood of html, stealing from the strikethroughers and giving to the poor.
( , Sun 6 Jun 2010, 12:34, archived)

I'll be honest, this time I didn't even attempt to work out what the origional strikethrough was, it was like some albageria-type of english GSCE question, which let's be honest, isn't really on on a sunday.
( , Sun 6 Jun 2010, 12:39, archived)

When I pass my test we can go cruisin' for biatches
( , Sun 6 Jun 2010, 12:36, archived)

But bee'hatches be all like "Daaaayum gurl, you catch that dreamboat? cuuuuuWeeee gurl, I gotta get me in on that action." and I'll be all like, in my best deep voice "Get zeh bahk ov dah cuar ivf you vant to lifve", and they'll be all like "Was that a Terminator qutoe? Jog on, nothing to see here" and Neddy will be all like "Oh gonz, you done it again".
( , Sun 6 Jun 2010, 12:43, archived)