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OR email me: downonthefarm at gmail dot com
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- a member for 21 years, 5 months and 2 days
- has posted 8341 messages on the main board
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- (including 4 links)
- has posted 31 stories and 14 replies on question of the week
- They liked 355 pictures, 7 links, 21 talk posts, and 30 qotw answers.
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blog | Facebook | picture gallery | twitter
OR email me: downonthefarm at gmail dot com
Recent front page messages:
Toad of Toad Hall

Click for bigger (170 kb) | There's loads more of this rubbish if you LIKE my Facebook page or whatever it is the kids do nowadays
(Tue 21st Apr 2015, 9:54, More)

Click for bigger (170 kb) | There's loads more of this rubbish if you LIKE my Facebook page or whatever it is the kids do nowadays
(Tue 21st Apr 2015, 9:54, More)
More Nigel Farage

Click for bigger (196 kb) | My Facebook page has new Nigels every Friday
(Fri 30th Jan 2015, 9:23, More)

Click for bigger (196 kb) | My Facebook page has new Nigels every Friday
(Fri 30th Jan 2015, 9:23, More)
Street Fighter 2: Reunion Edition

Click for bigger (435 kb) | prints, portfolio, etc. | blog | my Facebook page has updates this stupid every weekday
(Wed 21st Jan 2015, 10:45, More)

Click for bigger (435 kb) | prints, portfolio, etc. | blog | my Facebook page has updates this stupid every weekday
(Wed 21st Jan 2015, 10:45, More)
It's never too late to learn

if everyone wishes really hard maybe one day I'll update my SITE
(Mon 11th Jul 2011, 12:20, More)

if everyone wishes really hard maybe one day I'll update my SITE
(Mon 11th Jul 2011, 12:20, More)
I ain't afraid of no sloths

Click for bigger (113 kb) | My gallery | I have some new pictures for sale, too!
(Wed 27th Apr 2011, 11:44, More)

Click for bigger (113 kb) | My gallery | I have some new pictures for sale, too!
(Wed 27th Apr 2011, 11:44, More)
Yes Terry, it's all go here

Click for bigger (146 kb) | read my blog and learn things
(Fri 5th Feb 2010, 10:56, More)

Click for bigger (146 kb) | read my blog and learn things
(Fri 5th Feb 2010, 10:56, More)
There might also be one in your shoe

My blog is frequently cited in Parliamentary debates | I have some pictures for sale too
(Tue 17th Feb 2009, 10:21, More)

My blog is frequently cited in Parliamentary debates | I have some pictures for sale too
(Tue 17th Feb 2009, 10:21, More)
More high-jinx with Messrs. Huntley and Cooper*

click for bigger | Buy really good pictures
* Allegedly
(Tue 20th Feb 2007, 16:24, More)

click for bigger | Buy really good pictures
* Allegedly
(Tue 20th Feb 2007, 16:24, More)
telecommunications explained

edit: thank you everyone :)
(Fri 26th Mar 2004, 12:00, More)

edit: thank you everyone :)
(Fri 26th Mar 2004, 12:00, More)
OK, I realise now it's probably just false perspective
but imagine how funny this would have been if it were real

(Sat 28th Feb 2004, 13:50, More)
but imagine how funny this would have been if it were real

(Sat 28th Feb 2004, 13:50, More)
it's the 25th annual RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch this weekend
here are my findings:

(Sat 24th Jan 2004, 19:35, More)
here are my findings:

(Sat 24th Jan 2004, 19:35, More)
How rhinos settle their disputes

a quick picture, and a question: I'm going to donate a cartoon for the raffle...any idea as to which bloody one I should frame up and so on? For the sake of amnesiacs, there are all of my FP'ed cartoons in my profile
(Sat 24th Jan 2004, 9:19, More)

a quick picture, and a question: I'm going to donate a cartoon for the raffle...any idea as to which bloody one I should frame up and so on? For the sake of amnesiacs, there are all of my FP'ed cartoons in my profile
(Sat 24th Jan 2004, 9:19, More)
Father Christmas captured by Americans

first FP for a while. Thanky kindly! I shall treat it as an early Christmas present
(Wed 17th Dec 2003, 16:41, More)
Father Christmas captured by Americans
first FP for a while. Thanky kindly! I shall treat it as an early Christmas present
(Wed 17th Dec 2003, 16:41, More)
During the harsh winter months
I always like to leave some food out for them

(Mon 24th Nov 2003, 19:06, More)
I always like to leave some food out for them

(Mon 24th Nov 2003, 19:06, More)
last one for the morning...

then I must go and draw more, bathe and cook cheese
(Wed 19th Nov 2003, 11:05, More)
then I must go and draw more, bathe and cook cheese
(Wed 19th Nov 2003, 11:05, More)
Before Christmas begins
let's pay tribute to the quality assessment team who give their time to ensure we'll all enjoy ourselves

(Tue 18th Nov 2003, 11:53, More)
let's pay tribute to the quality assessment team who give their time to ensure we'll all enjoy ourselves
(Tue 18th Nov 2003, 11:53, More)
Best answers to questions:
» Obscure Memorabilia
I rifle through graves
looking for parts to build and reanimate a human being, so I have Thora Hird's spleen.
(Thu 4th Nov 2004, 11:45, More)
I rifle through graves
looking for parts to build and reanimate a human being, so I have Thora Hird's spleen.
(Thu 4th Nov 2004, 11:45, More)
» Shoddy Presents
I'm pretty sure
last year at Christmas I received a free gift from a packet of Rice Krispies from my nan. In fact, I'm sure I did. She wrapped it up and everything. I was 23. I think she may well have lost her marbles completely. Having spoken to her last week merely confirms this.
It's not so much a case that it's the thought that counts, I wonder if she even knows she did it. It's a wonder she doesn't piss herself. More often.
(Thu 23rd Sep 2004, 12:06, More)
I'm pretty sure
last year at Christmas I received a free gift from a packet of Rice Krispies from my nan. In fact, I'm sure I did. She wrapped it up and everything. I was 23. I think she may well have lost her marbles completely. Having spoken to her last week merely confirms this.
It's not so much a case that it's the thought that counts, I wonder if she even knows she did it. It's a wonder she doesn't piss herself. More often.
(Thu 23rd Sep 2004, 12:06, More)
» World's Sickest Joke
why do you wrap hamsters in carpet tape?
so they won't split when you fuck them.
(Thu 9th Sep 2004, 20:36, More)
why do you wrap hamsters in carpet tape?
so they won't split when you fuck them.
(Thu 9th Sep 2004, 20:36, More)
» Happy 10th Birthday B3ta
Happy birthday b3ta
You are the best thing I ever did. Cop a load of this, and bask in your magnificence.
(Mon 12th Sep 2011, 10:32, More)
Happy birthday b3ta
You are the best thing I ever did. Cop a load of this, and bask in your magnificence.
(Mon 12th Sep 2011, 10:32, More)
» The Onosecond
I want to lick your cock all over, big boy.
(Thu 26th May 2005, 11:48, More)
I want to lick your cock all over, big boy.
(Thu 26th May 2005, 11:48, More)