Matel were making Ken a little more 'realistic' in response to consumer appetites. Did they go too far?
Apologies to those not working in liberated environs.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:05,
Apologies to those not working in liberated environs.

if you work in a place surrounded by exposed gentalia then that would indeed be SFW.
Unfortunatly most people work in places where looking at pictures of willies is not really encouraged.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:10,
Unfortunatly most people work in places where looking at pictures of willies is not really encouraged.

But I dont want everybody in the room to see that.
Link it.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:11,
Link it.

Hello. I know this isn't a help forum but I think this post may help people like myself and beginners to Photoshop.
I'm having problems in Photoshop. Every time I zoom (either in or out) on a magnatude other than 100% the image is 'distorted' by what looks like very poor antialiasing. You don't get this in Paint Shop Pro. I would use Photoshop more often if it wasn't for this annoyance - is there any way of correcting this??
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:56,
I'm having problems in Photoshop. Every time I zoom (either in or out) on a magnatude other than 100% the image is 'distorted' by what looks like very poor antialiasing. You don't get this in Paint Shop Pro. I would use Photoshop more often if it wasn't for this annoyance - is there any way of correcting this??

And I think farts are funny, make very silly jokes, and get excited by snow.
Lifes more fun that way.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:03,
Lifes more fun that way.

it would do, if i hadn't included the word "as". But I did, so the other meaning doesn't work.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:07,

then shut the fuck up, cuntwipe.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:07,

Cor. It's coming down well fast. Coool.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:04,

Anybody who expects a serious answer to that kind of question here is just asking for trouble.
Snowing here in Brussels too yay!
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:05,
Snowing here in Brussels too yay!

ill be in brussels on monday, queueing at the British Embassy to get my Certificate of Nationality so i can get married in your fair country...
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:09,

Yay! I assume that you will be drinking beer at the reception then?
Are you marrying one of the local lovelies?
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:12,
Are you marrying one of the local lovelies?

so i don't know why i replied :)
Edit - maybe your rgb settings are borked? have a look under properties
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:57,
Edit - maybe your rgb settings are borked? have a look under properties

As you zoom in, move yourself further away from the screen and squint your eyes.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:58,

as in the stone of scone, recently re-patriated to bonny old scotia
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:04,

It's not as RAM hungry and doesn't crash your puter as much.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:59,

how to use photoshop cd for about £15

So 1,2,3, take my hand and come with me
because you look so fine
and i really wanna make you mine.
I say you look so fine
that I really wanna make you mine.
Oh, 4,5,6 c'mon and get your kicks
now you dont need that money
when you look like that, do ya honey.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:00,
because you look so fine
and i really wanna make you mine.
I say you look so fine
that I really wanna make you mine.
Oh, 4,5,6 c'mon and get your kicks
now you dont need that money
when you look like that, do ya honey.

four five six
seven eight nine
ten eleven twelve
at the ladybug picnic
/Sesame Street
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:02,
seven eight nine
ten eleven twelve
at the ladybug picnic
/Sesame Street

instead of pushing other ppl's work off the bottom of the board
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:06,

Photoshop 7 and photoshop CS zoom in exactly the same way as Paint Shop Pro, with an exact depiction of the pixels.
so either
*you have a wierd or corrupt version
*you're doing something wrong
*you're imagining it
/EDIT: And you're a bit of an arse - you ask for help in a new thread when you could have put it in an existing one, fair enough, everyone gets a few strikes - but don't turn around and insult people then. Your problem lies in your immaturity, and possibly your imaginary aliasing?
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:06,
so either
*you have a wierd or corrupt version
*you're doing something wrong
*you're imagining it
/EDIT: And you're a bit of an arse - you ask for help in a new thread when you could have put it in an existing one, fair enough, everyone gets a few strikes - but don't turn around and insult people then. Your problem lies in your immaturity, and possibly your imaginary aliasing?

Every time I use photoshop I produce poor quality images. What settings do I need to use to get it to produce polished, professional looking results which look like they've been produced by someone with some degree of talent and some idea what they're actually doing?
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:08,

woohooohahahahaha blummywummy flooblyweeeeeeeeephongbong widdlyfibbly wumshabbit arsewombles hookus pookus flabbleflaps weeblyshrapnel hooootwomp flarpitt armpitty flatulence.
the anti-aliasing is best ot multiples of 12.5% for some reason. You'll get used to it.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:10,
the anti-aliasing is best ot multiples of 12.5% for some reason. You'll get used to it.

get yersel some tac, me and dapsy just cadged a tenner deal! I'm gannin yem to get me 20/20 reet?
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:39,

the guy who built my house
except he's got a limp
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:54,
except he's got a limp

Mod edit: A) Geocities is crap, use this.
B) It's lego not legos.

they don't allow remote linking.
FAQ has info on other hosts
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:51,
FAQ has info on other hosts

msn it hard
or something
Edit - I can see it!
Yay, it's wootiful!
Edit 2 - Hurray for mod(spelling)edit!
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:52,
or something
Edit - I can see it!
Yay, it's wootiful!
Edit 2 - Hurray for mod(spelling)edit!

If you can see it, it might be in your cache or something
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:51,

reminds me of the joke about the frog and the library.. too shitty to say now..
/falls over
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:53,
/falls over

Edit- Misread.
Bowling? Never done that on a date.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:58,
Bowling? Never done that on a date.

in fact never done it in my life (not much call for it where I used to live in England oddly)... mind you I went Ice Skating for the first time in my life in January in Romania and it was bizarre, being dragged around by some kids at mach 3*. Great fun.
* ok, might have looks like mach 3 in my eyes..
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:06,
* ok, might have looks like mach 3 in my eyes..

...and utterly compelling!
That's the rest of my workday gone, then.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:52,
That's the rest of my workday gone, then.

to you sir, here, take a "geniusoiuty award", its like Genius award but from lazy typists
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:54,

*still giggling from the front page and continuing to do so... and i'm only on the first pic of the board*

Reminds me of Walkingman on the Amiga. Tiny man would walk around workbench climbing windows and falling off. Is there anything that good on the windows or the linux?
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 14:50,

It would occasionally eat flowers or be kidnapped by aliens, but mostly it would sit on your desktop and STARE....
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 15:07,

and a kitten in a box that would jump at the cursor. My GCSE german teacher translated a letter to the walkingman author for me, he sent some other stuff, end of story.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 15:20,

Cuteness personified, and beautifully trained...
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:45,

for a pear roast anim but i dunno where to find it or whose it was and anyway mumble mumble woo mumble sandwich gobbler.

They're destined for a weighted sack in the thames at 3pm
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:51,

My Circus of Cuteness is in need of new lead act.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:56,

yes you are. because of your second testicle. you mum told me about it.

me likey
/disguises self as fridge
/waits in a menacing fashion
EDIT: just had a meeting about direct debits. God i'm bored
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:41,
/disguises self as fridge
/waits in a menacing fashion
EDIT: just had a meeting about direct debits. God i'm bored

hitting 666 posts
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:45,

I hit 10,000 the other day. I can't get excited about it any more.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:48,

i'm a sad, sad man
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:49,

but then i put loads of punctuatuion marks in my username made into a story and well... my id ate itself.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:51,

I fell foul of an apostrophe once and the mods had to fix mine.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:53,

from now on they shall be for ever known as weng wengs*
*by me anyway
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:44,
*by me anyway

There should actually be 3 birds in it... apparently

the only football club i know of that once had a kwik save under one of the stands
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:39,

The only football where you can't colour in any of the letters in their name. Fact*
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:44,

Unless that looks like you
Then just maybe :)
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:38,
Then just maybe :)

just look at the picture in my profile... see
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:42,

woo picture though...
I went to Vienna last month and wondered where all the gondoliers were, what an idiot
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:27,
I went to Vienna last month and wondered where all the gondoliers were, what an idiot

He'd be on that special register these days. (woo to the puntage btw)
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:31,

I always imagined him having Tourette's.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:42,

That is Michelangelo, the M on his belt gives it away.
Raphael was in the Red*
* used to play the arcade game 4 player for hours, twas ace
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:34,
Raphael was in the Red*
* used to play the arcade game 4 player for hours, twas ace

shows you how well I remember my teenage mutant ninja turtle days
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:35,

not sure if it's a good thing or no..
/even older, probably ;)
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:36,
/even older, probably ;)

love the Ninja turtles. The theme tune still resounds in my head...
*hums quietly to herself*
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:39,
*hums quietly to herself*

I didn't like the idea of a giant martial arts rat in the sewers. Shredder on the other hand- he was the man.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:44,

and the idea of four giant radioactively-mutated turtles with nunchucks, a sword, daggers, and a staff was no problem.
Mostly because they didn't bother to understand the rat's philosophy rants.
Also they liked pizza.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:51,
Mostly because they didn't bother to understand the rat's philosophy rants.
Also they liked pizza.

Now there's the Rupert The Bear Code!

Look at the random hidden messages to be found! Woo!
I never suspected the bear though... gosh.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:16,
I never suspected the bear though... gosh.

how people find things like that in the first place is beyond me.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:16,

cartoons must have been influencing us for years
wheres that anvil
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:16,
wheres that anvil

( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:17,

*hears cartoon ambulance racing to the scene, only to run the victim over at least twice*

but he was confirmed dead on arrival
the funeral's friday, he gets a 21 felt-tip salute
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:21,
the funeral's friday, he gets a 21 felt-tip salute

and remembering Bagpuss, bought a few mice to fix it. They didn't /mark/lard/
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:19,

I have a Winnie the Pooh book somewhere where it says that Pooh was on the Grassy knoll..
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:16,

sadam has been hiding the weapons of mass destruction
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:19,

I expect I'll be seeing that twenty times a day in my inbox soon.
(Great pic! Woo!)
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:24,
(Great pic! Woo!)

But, typically, this will be covered up by the right-wing media machine...
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:56,

...is actually "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle. See www.azcentral.com/news/election/campgn04-bush.html
BTW, the original title for the Rupert story was actually "Rupert and the Gomnies", in case you're looking for it.
BTW(2), these hidden messages are from GOD are NOT A CONICIDENCE. Yeah, right.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 13:37,
BTW, the original title for the Rupert story was actually "Rupert and the Gomnies", in case you're looking for it.
BTW(2), these hidden messages are from GOD are NOT A CONICIDENCE. Yeah, right.

to see the goatse.
ha ha twunts don't know what theyre getting themselves into.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:17,
ha ha twunts don't know what theyre getting themselves into.

I was hoping your tag would be better hidden but it's still fucking woo!

( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:15,

Am I imagining things or did a load of posts disappear just then?
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:15,

presume the thread starter deleted the thread, due to other b3tans taking the piss
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:17,

I thought we were very mild, given the grief that some threadwasters get.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:19,

we just pestered him for a tea making job
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:23,

I couldn't compete with the hob nob dispenser.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:32,

its like those things you have on your CV that say "manager" when really you were the cleaner, but did the managers job for 6 months without a pay rise

had the biggest bull shit in it.
he won, he was a managing director of a construction company
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:43,
he won, he was a managing director of a construction company

got deleted
which was a shame ... but I'm geriatric so I can't remember why it was a shame
edit: and woo to the goatse-glyphics
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:19,
which was a shame ... but I'm geriatric so I can't remember why it was a shame
edit: and woo to the goatse-glyphics

or they're Egyptian footballers about to engage in a spit roasting
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:15,

Honest, m'lud.
They're actually quite good, I just wanted to wind him up
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:13,
They're actually quite good, I just wanted to wind him up

"cor, your sister's a goer ain't she!!! she can bang by drums anytime!!! COR!!!"
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:15,

she has this ability to look nice one minute then look like the creepy kid from the ring the next.
( ,
Wed 10 Mar 2004, 11:17,
she has this ability to look nice one minute then look like the creepy kid from the ring the next.
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