That discourse is the fucking tits!
I'm currently doing an English degree and am seriously considering plagiarising the fuck out of that for my module on "green writing"
(Fitznicelyinto a thimble, Sat 26 Sep 2009, 1:30,
Awesome, as always...
Must go, I am off to Paul's, to do a poo!
(McMookMacCrush Proof, Fri 25 Sep 2009, 11:52,
Marvellous Sir
(ERG1008is climbing in yo windows & snatchin yo people up, Fri 25 Sep 2009, 12:04,
Always great
Great stuff again!
(zacherynuk@echo off, Fri 25 Sep 2009, 12:26,
Oh my!
The toilet shall never be the same way again...
(Monty Propps, Fri 25 Sep 2009, 12:32,
Brilliant work as ever,
and loving the YouTube description!
(benryvesNow I'm radioactive! That can't be good!, Fri 25 Sep 2009, 12:50,
That outdoes Windowlicker IMO
Top stuff.
(mrmattis staging a 'dirty protest' on, Fri 25 Sep 2009, 13:19,
Genius sir!
Love that. Reminds me a teency bit of some of aphex twin/richard james stuff
(wideeyeslightly pickled, Fri 25 Sep 2009, 14:47,
very much so
especially the creepy grimace from the mother from that nauseating advert.
Massively awesome though of course
(Fitznicelyinto a thimble, Sat 26 Sep 2009, 1:20,
This man once tried to knock me off my motorbike
in his knobby old man car. If he tries again I will sing this at him :D
(Peregr1n@peregr1n, Fri 25 Sep 2009, 19:25,
/tea /monitor
(Spunky McPunknot dead yet, Sat 26 Sep 2009, 14:17,
Genius! I reckon that should be released as a single.
It has number 2 written all over it!
(Captain Steamy FingersHis wee is gas, Fri 25 Sep 2009, 22:59,
That woman's face is awesome
(cauterizethink life is too short not to collect retro games, Sat 26 Sep 2009, 0:16,
The inside of your head scares me,
but I do love you.
(King Ralphis drunk, Sat 26 Sep 2009, 0:56,
fucking mega
made me need to poo though
(Fitznicelyinto a thimble, Sat 26 Sep 2009, 1:35,
Poo Poo
Does anybody else like to make this full screen and put their face really close to the monitor at 1.21ish just to experience what it must be like to have Titchmarsh looming in at you for a kiss?
That is absolutely fucking brilliant!
amazing stuff. you are a genius.
(crab_bloke), Mon 28 Sep 2009, 13:31,
That's uncanny
After watching that I discovered I did actually have a poo in my pants. I'm sure it wasn't there before.
(octopuppystinking up the place, Mon 28 Sep 2009, 20:21,
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