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Gid moaning.
Got much on the day?
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 7:58, 244 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Just the usual.
T-shirt, jeans, Skechers. Plus all the normal foundation garments.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:02, Reply)
this and that.
Dealing with IFAs and having a neatly chiselled, well groomed drop dead handsome face.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:05, Reply)
Tell them they're all cunts.
Independent, my pasty fat arse.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:07, Reply)
whole of market and not owned by a provider
Hence independent.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:28, Reply)
but influenced by which providers provide the best commission.

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:33, Reply)
Our IFAs have to recommend the cheapest, most suitable product from the marketplace. And as of Jan 1st, commission is no more. Upfront, fee based charging.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:43, Reply)
Who pays the fee to the IFA?

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:46, Reply)
the client.

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:50, Reply)
Foundation garments that cheer me up include
Pretty knickers and lacy bra. I am wearing both these things and still feel lousy. :(
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:17, Reply)
I'm wearing something slightly more supportive.
Lycra ftw.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:19, Reply)

lycra spanx.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:21, Reply)
Black Armani suit, pale blue shirt, Church's black brogues and M&S socks and pants.

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:09, Reply)
this man does not wear designer goods, I repeat no designer goods

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:10, Reply)
I don't consider either of these brands to be designer - the suit is off the peg and have you seen how traditional brogues are? Hardly high fashion.
What colour shellsuit are you wearing today Rory?
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:12, Reply)
I was unaware that renowned international fashion house Armani couldn't objectively be described as anything but a manufacturer and distributor of 'designer' goods
That goes for Church's as well.

Unless I'm at srs business meetings or tribunals I usually wear smart but casual
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:18, Reply)

smart but casual a giant nappy and nipple clamps.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:20, Reply)
u ttly PWND his ass there

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:53, Reply)
Trackies, socks, jumper, and teeshirt.
I've had a shit day. cheer me up.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:15, Reply)
But you have a Dr Who mug!
That would cheer anybody up.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:20, Reply)
Which Dr Who does she look like?

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:21, Reply)
A couple of weeks ago the fella gave me a mug with the 11th doctor on it wearing a Stetson.
It does cheer me up. I just feel lousy cos my placement was supposed to start today and it got put off, and I had an asthma attack, and I didn't get paid as much as I expected. Feel poor, unintelligent and unwell.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:23, Reply)
or "australian" as it is usually known

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:10, Reply)
when I said got much on
I did not mean clothing.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:22, Reply)
You forget you're talking to a bunch of internet autists.
You need to be more specific.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:25, Reply)
that will teach you to be more specific in your questioning.
You stupid midget.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:28, Reply)
shit off, Nick Nack.

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:29, Reply)
oi, you need to treat him more seriously today, he's got his designer goods on today

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:31, Reply)
half price in the childrens sale

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:32, Reply)
^ Yet another example of the wit of a 'person of restricted growth' ^

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:32, Reply)
Not really, work today, might go and see a friend tonight, waiting for her to get back to me.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:35, Reply)
I have a serious war like phone call with a Californian attorney today.
He is after blood.

I am doing my homework.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:45, Reply)
what did you do/who did you kill?

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:48, Reply)
No one. But you wouldn't think it the way this guy is acting.
He wants money for his client and I have said it's not me he needs to get the money from.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:50, Reply)
direct him to Monty.

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:51, Reply)
Serves you right for stalking Britney again.

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:48, Reply)
"I'm killing her!"

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:51, Reply)

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:01, Reply)
Accuse him of antisemitism.
He'll cave in a second.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:49, Reply)
He is a double Red Sea pedestrian.

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:51, Reply)
Then give him the secret handshake.

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:56, Reply)
Wanking him off will not help, b3th

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:04, Reply)
I am wearing jeans and my awesome Download t-shirt.
Today I have to do some work : (
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:53, Reply)

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:53, Reply)
I know.
But I don't have a hangover which helps.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:54, Reply)
that's always a plus

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:55, Reply)
I bought another bloody guitar last night
I now have 9 and play none of them very often since I had kids and left the band.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:57, Reply)
i inherited one 2 weeks ago
i know approx 2 songs
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:57, Reply)
What did you buy this time?

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:58, Reply)
An Ibanez Destroyer but please don't hold it against me

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:25, Reply)
I'll let you off
Even though it's one of those new-fangled electric guitars, at least it's based on a classic Gibson Explorer.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:32, Reply)

based on Blatantly ripped off from.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:36, Reply)
In the guitar world - especially the electric guitar world - there's precious little that's new
There's some people doing new things with acoustic guitars (Jeff Babicz, Mario Proulx, Ervin Somogyi to name but three) but there's so little of it I think there will have to be a radical new design/material to drag designers out of the rut they've been in for decades.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:41, Reply)
I bet the Mrs is pleased.

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:58, Reply)
Only on weekends
for 30 seconds
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:03, Reply)
Sounds like my missus
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:17, Reply)
Shit I'd no idea YOU'D LEFT THE BAND !!!!!!!!!!!!!
AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it'll be like listening to Guns and Roses without Slash, Genesis without Phil Collins, Queen without Freddy Mercury, fuck that shit
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:05, Reply)
No, it won't be as bad as Combichrist

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:07, Reply)
The Beatles without Yoko!

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:07, Reply)
Dr. Teeth and The Electric Mayhem without Zoot!

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:12, Reply)
Mel & Kim without Mel.

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:14, Reply)
echo and the bunnymen without the echo

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:16, Reply)
They could replace him with a duck

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:18, Reply)

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:23, Reply)

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:24, Reply)
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:24, Reply)

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:26, Reply)
The The without The 'The'

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:18, Reply)
I have three meetings today
Two with clients, one with my bank. The client ones are all friendly, the one with the bank, not so friendly. I want some dosh for a car, I have payment evidence from my employer (they're paying far more than the loan would cost monthly) but they still want a face-to-face.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:57, Reply)
I've got my free Pills n Thrills CD on in the car
I think it's a pretty damn good album, so that eased the pain of the random roundabout lane closures on my route to work that add about half an hour.

I might go for a swim tonight. I also have to source a 'diamond steel' for my sister-in-law's 40th birthday. I can't see this one turning out too cheaply, why my wife couldn't be an only child like me I'll never know (I do know why really)
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 8:57, Reply)
n Bellyaches?

WTF is a diamond steel?
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:03, Reply)
Yes, and..
it's for sharpening knives I believe
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:04, Reply)
Ahh, of course

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:06, Reply)
Better than ceramic 'steels'
I bought one (Victorinox - reduced to £25) after my daughter broke both of my ceramic steels in a month of living with me.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:12, Reply)
The Fallkniven one is very good but a little pricey
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 10:18, Reply)
A very loud mix of songs in the car to wake me up
Some nice muesli with banana and a cup of good coffee. Right, let the shite commence!

I have three angry customers to placate and an account manager to berate for having her laptop nicked from her car
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:02, Reply)
^ life at the top of the corporate ladder right here ^

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:06, Reply)
Not even the 1st rung my friend

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:06, Reply)
insurance should cover it, don't be a dick

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:06, Reply)
She left it in full view in a carpark

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:07, Reply)
yeah you can call her an idiot, but its not like it's caused any real problems for anyone but her

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:09, Reply)
+ the IT department who now have to source a new one, build it, worry about what info was on it

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:12, Reply)
but that's their job

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:14, Reply)
To handhold fuckwits who dont know to put expensive things in the boot?

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:18, Reply)
nah to build computers and fix IT problems
they were probably just going to spend all day on b3ta anyway
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:21, Reply)

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:22, Reply)
that's why /talk's dead right now
that bitch has ruined this site
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:23, Reply)
Fucking cunt she is

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:24, Reply)
fire dat hoe

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:25, Reply)
You get a warning here for losing your laptop or bb

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:25, Reply)
that's a bit out of order, unless it's deliberate
or your laptop contains important information
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:27, Reply)
they contain important infomtion

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:29, Reply)
confidential important information?

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:30, Reply)
I would expect all company laptops to have at least some confidential info on them

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:33, Reply)
Well yes but they should all be encrypted.

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:35, Reply)

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:36, Reply)
They are, but it's still your responsibilty to look after them
if noithing else it would be a PR disaster
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:37, Reply)
you work for MI5?

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:40, Reply)
I'm typing this from my phone inside a locked bag in my bath
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:51, Reply)
I don't know why they'd make an MI5, MI3 & 4:Ghost Protocol were shit
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:52, Reply)
4 was ok, it's all got a bit silly these days
also Tom Cruie must be getting on a bit now
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:53, Reply)

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:34, Reply)
We don't insure the laptops here
We have so many that its cheaper to replace the few that get broken or get stolen throughout the year than it is to buy the insurance.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:34, Reply)
insurers are money grabbing cunts

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:42, Reply)
I heard the day was diddling its sister and was planning on fucking off.

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:15, Reply)
When do we get to see your new tattoo

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:22, Reply)
look man it's a deeply personal experience, more of a journey really having this new tattoo of his, it's an expression of his own individuality in a world of non designer armani suits
it's like a star on his arse
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:25, Reply)
He should get 53 stars on his face
then claim to have been asleep while the tatooist did it
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:26, Reply)
he should really spend thousands of pounds travelling to places like Japan and the Continent to have his entire body tattooed to show his non conformity
and then moan that he'll never have the money to put down as a deposit on his own place
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:29, Reply)
if he got all those stars, and some stripes to match
he'd look like a star-spangled blimp
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:29, Reply)
it's been a Good Year

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:31, Reply)
and its not like he'll ever get anyone up the Duff

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:33, Reply)
Nah, they just look cool innit. And it passes the time in an otherwise bleak, miserable life.

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:28, Reply)
so does picking your nose
and it's cheaper
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:32, Reply)
Yeah but bogies aint cool bruv

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:34, Reply)
they are when you make art out of them

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:34, Reply)
Heres looking at you kid.

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 10:28, Reply)
What a brilliant Bog-Art joke that was

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 11:16, Reply)
I'm not getting it done til autumn but I'll post pics, I always do.

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:27, Reply)
breakdown-cry, poor CQ. :'(

How can we get him to stop lurking and post again?
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:27, Reply)
Pretend you're nice, gaz him a faux apology and when he comes back... KABLAMO

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:29, Reply)
but i AM nice, Bob
I was nice to AA yesterday and everything
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:30, Reply)
Good boy, keep it up.

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:34, Reply)
i hope you and i can be budz too

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:35, Reply)
he'll break your heart Q, just when you try and build a bridge
he stomps on it, smashing it into the raging torrent below
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:36, Reply)
and i've been hurt so many times before :'(

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:38, Reply)
We all miss Sasha Q

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:40, Reply)
facebook says it's her birthday today
she's just uploaded a photo of a massive close-up of her face, she looks like a trannie
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:41, Reply)
Phwoar, I don't fancy them, but they're interesting aren't they.

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:42, Reply)
i dunno, bob
i saw hangover 2 and that was a bit much for me
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:43, Reply)
That's a truly awful film.

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:46, Reply)
i didn't think much of the first one
i'd have probably enjoyed it more if i was 14 and had never been drunk before
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:47, Reply)
Not seen it, first one was good

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:50, Reply)
there's a sexy lady with a penis
in fact, there's a few
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:51, Reply)
From Bangkok?

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:53, Reply)
somewhere like that, yeah

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 10:01, Reply)
We can try Q.

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:42, Reply)
so what do you think of what CQ did to his kids with that tiny tears doll full of his own piss, shit and semen?

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:44, Reply)

I'm just thinking about the poor children the poor sexy, semen covered children
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:52, Reply)
if he mention him sexually abusing his kid he's bound to reappear to deny the obvious

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:30, Reply)
and unlike scaryduck he has no powers to ban anyone
So Comrade Quixote bought his kids a tiny years doll filled with his own piss then did he?
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:32, Reply)
it's part of his whole mental illness thing
he's only got supervised access rights at the moment
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:33, Reply)
comrade quixote made his children drink the piss from the tiny tears doll he filled up?
and there was semen in there too? and he's actually left because he has court appearances etc?

well this is just a rollercoaster of a scandal if ever i saw one
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:36, Reply)
he's taken to wearing socks on his hands, and they tell him what to do

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:38, Reply)

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:35, Reply)

Looking back on when CQ left,
I can not escape and I can not forget,
Quinten, you are the one
You still turn him on,
You can make him post again.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:31, Reply)
we just gotta believe, Bill
we just GOTTA
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:32, Reply)
it's the second time he's left

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:34, Reply)
i want him to come back and leave again

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:37, Reply)
He kicked me off his facebook friends list and I WASN'T EVEN MEAN TO HIM!

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:39, Reply)
it's because you smell of cabbage and old semen

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:41, Reply)
thats where he got the tiny tears doll idea from

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:41, Reply)
Has Fagan turned up yet?

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:35, Reply)
we're all trying to forget about barrystockgate
leave it bruv
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:35, Reply)
what was the name of the kid in that? twist's mate?
surely he'd be more appropriate? dodgey dan or tricky or something?
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:37, Reply)

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:38, Reply)
artful dodger, that was it
he grew up to be monty boyce, so i heard
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:40, Reply)
No, James Potters best mate grew up to be Monty

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 10:02, Reply)
who? is this a harry potter thing? google's no use

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 10:09, Reply)
I think he's saying that Monty is Gary Oldman

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 10:14, Reply)
Only when he being Sirius

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 10:16, Reply)
So, not when he's whimsical?

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 10:24, Reply)
After several days of pretending to look busy I am now actually busy. And I've a meeting later which may well end up with me being assigned more work. Yay.

On the plus side I've discovered if I get the later tube I only get in about 5-10 minutes late, which nobody cares about so long as you make the time up. Although the flipside of that is that I start aiming for that one - it's a slippery slope to rolling in around 10 reeking of stolen supermarket wine, I suspect.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:47, Reply)
May I just say that your and Battered's "Who's the smallest Oompa Loompa" sniping battles never fail to give me irony lols.

Got the work experience kid with me today, I'm going to have to reign in my disdain both on the phone and off. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to cope. I suspect the boss is going to have a word before the end of the day.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:49, Reply)
send him out for some sky hooks or tartan paint!!! LOL!

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:50, Reply)
Long stand
Left handed mouse
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:52, Reply)
i used to lvoe work experience kids
they literally know fuck all, they must go back to school/college with PTSD
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:50, Reply)
just remember you were that work experience acorn, not so long ago
and look what a mighty oak tree you've grown into
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 9:53, Reply)
I did mine in an architecture firm.
It's stupid.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 10:36, Reply)
Ha, We have got an unsuspecting work experience boy starting on Monday.
Both the women in the office want to "mother" him.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 10:01, Reply)

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 10:14, Reply)
Given half a chance, I'm sure he would be held to their ample bosoms.
Lucky sod.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 10:16, Reply)
tell him motorboating helps team-building

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 10:38, Reply)
i'm at work, you disgusting pervert

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 10:37, Reply)

t work, you
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 10:39, Reply)
well, duh

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 10:47, Reply)
does anybody know if Berk liked those shoes I linked her to?
Melissas, by Westwood, fact fans.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 10:58, Reply)
I liked them.
I thought they were pretty.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 10:59, Reply)
they are.

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 11:01, Reply)
ask her
don't ask us!
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 11:01, Reply)
they are probably your kind of thing as well.

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 11:05, Reply)
she said they were shit

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 11:02, Reply)

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 11:04, Reply)
are you Barry?

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 11:05, Reply)
Westwood and Paul Smith are my favourite labels.
Also the only ones I model for.
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 11:08, Reply)
I always thought you were a boy

(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 11:09, Reply)

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