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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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So we were eating breakfast at the guest house "Grosik" this morning and planning a trip to Warszawa tomorrow when...
kiddies tv was interupted by the breaking news.
The Polish President, his wife and 130 other politicians, military types and hangers-on have been killed in a plane crash in Smolensk, Russia.
Well that's the trip to Warszawa fucked!
Similar thing happened four and a bit years ago when the roof of a sports centre in Katowice collapsed due to snow, killing a bunch of pigeon fanciers.
It feels like i'll never get to see the (allegedly) splendid views from the top of the Palac Kultury.


What international tragedies have fucked with your holiday plans?
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 12:44, 77 replies, latest was 15 years ago)
Why can't you go to Warsaw?

(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 13:04, Reply)
cos national mourning has been announced and all the public buildings will be shut.
as well as half the major roads in the city.
so as to allow outpourings of grief and votive lighting for the dead.

i don't want to sound unsympathetic, but...
FFS i'm on holiday and really kinda wanted to go to the Palac Kultury for the sci-tech museum and the views from the top. it's a cracking building, a gift from Stalin to the Polish population in about 1920, a great example of socialist-era statement-architecture.

edit: i guess we could still go but there would be fuck all to do but walk the streets.

edit2: www.pkin.pl/
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 13:47, Reply)
You did sound unsympathetic I'm afraid

(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 14:04, Reply)
You don't just sound unsympathetic,
you also sound like a prick.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 14:28, Reply)
maybe so.
but do these people mean anything to you?
probably not.
me neither.
i can acknowledge the passing of of a human being (or even 132 of them) but i'm quite sure neither of us know any of them or their families.
empathy is one thing, sympathy another.
and anyway, this is b3ta, tongue-in-cheek and all that.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 14:35, Reply)
Whether they 'mean' anything to me or not
it's a pretty horrible thing to happen and a damn sight more important than your holiday plans.
B3ta may be tongue-in-cheek but you don't seem to have the hang of it.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 14:37, Reply)
I've clicked this a lot
to try and make it go onto the popular page.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 14:51, Reply)
You could try respecting the general feelings of the country you are visiting,
If the place means so little to you, then go home. It probably wasn't worth the bother going in the first place.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 15:09, Reply)
Oh my heart is truely bleeding for you
A lot of people die and it inconveniences your plans. Boo fucking hoo.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 13:59, Reply)
not actual people. politicians and the like.
"all politicians are lying cocksuckers"-Bill Hicks.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 14:14, Reply)
They sound a lot like cheeses swept

(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 14:36, Reply)
Also, let's just be very clear here
at least 96 people have died when their plane crashed. These people were on their way to Russia to mark the 70th anniversary of the Katyn massacre, where Soviet secret police executed 15,000 Polish officers.

It wasn't just the president, and his wife, it was something like a dozen of the top members of parliament, along with a number of people who's family were murdered during the Katyn massacre.

So it's not just people getting upset over jade goody, it's a country mourning the loss of a significant chunk of it's elected leadership and the death of a large number of civilians, in a rather tragic accident.

I always thought you were a stupid cunt, but I now seriously hope you get killed by a speeding motorcyclist, who was only going fast because he realised his bike couldn't get caught by the cameras.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 14:58, Reply)
Damn you sense-making bastard.

(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 15:23, Reply)
And Pilots, cabin crew, non politicians,
Does Mr Hicks help you with these?
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 15:11, Reply)
Right, so your stupid prejudices aside, what about the pilot, cabin crew etc...?
Or do they not count because WAH YOUR HOLIDAY'S RUINED BY A FREAK ACCIDENT. For shame.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 15:56, Reply)
That means, right, that you're allowed to be callous about the horrific deaths of a large number of people!
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 16:04, Reply)
This is like your personal 9/11, isn't it?

(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 15:44, Reply)
Does that mean he's going to get cancer from the dust?
I hope so.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 15:52, Reply)
Cancer and a road accident? Man he's gonna be a busy man

(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 15:55, Reply)
Dust can't catch a motorbike in Poland.

(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 16:01, Reply)
Wait, I see what your main issue is with this. It's not because so many people are dead
It's not because past holidays and indeed your current holidays are ruined by forces of nature.

It's because your daily dose of kids tv was interrupted with the news of multiple deaths.

(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 16:17, Reply)
Dear blaireau69
we are missing your input on this. Can you at least add another comment, so we can refocus our bile in your direction.


(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 16:40, Reply)
I love a witch hunt
Beat the poor forum dog again

Call him names

let your indignation ON THE INTERNET validate yourselves and allow you to look into the bathroom mirror for another day at least, fooling your self your are better than a stranger on the internet.

Take a deep breath, every single one of you has posted far far worse in your time on what is after all .... a comedy piss taking, no joke too sick forum.

Get off your high horses.

(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 16:57, Reply)
Sure, but none of the rest of us can't stand each other.
Of course we've all written worse, but there's been a genuine tongue in cheek tone to it which is definitely misplaced in this one.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 17:05, Reply)
I don't give a damn
Where my tongue is in relation to my cheek. Or anybody else's for that matter.

The simple fact is, I really don't give a fuck that OMG PPL R DED on some shonky Russian airliner. Not even if it is half the Polish government.


The FAKE indignation displayed purely for the purpose of giving the forum kicking boy another kick is quite frankly so hippocritical it makes bile rise.

So I take it when the Polish crash jokes come out in the next day or two, you will be consistent in your line of OMG PPL R DED.

Get the fuck to facebook and start a wank me off commiseration group if you really feel so bad!

This is B3ta.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 17:26, Reply)
Oh fuck off already, like you've never said anything nasty to anyone?
No I wont be making jokes about it, frankly it's not a funny subject, so for me at least it's not fake. I find the fact that he was upset not for the loss of life and could feel no empathy for their families because OMG it would ruin his holiday a little sad.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 17:29, Reply)
This is B3ta
If you feel a bit sad ... make a facebook shrine

If you want to make any old excuse to yet again kick the forum dog, then at least be honest about it, rather than the fake OMG crap
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 17:49, Reply)
Because making a facebook shrine will really serve a purpose wont it. You coming on here denouncing us all as terrible people serves a similar purpose
I don't need an excuse to kick the forum dog, he's shot himself in the foot pretty well this time and I'm not the only one who can see it.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 17:58, Reply)
I am not denouncing "you all"

I am saying if you are going to kick a dog, kick it.

Don't try to pretend you are upset at [random world event] as justification for getting the boot in on an easy target.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 18:13, Reply)
Take a deep breath, every single one of you has posted far far worse in your time on what is after all .... a comedy piss taking, no joke too sick forum.
Make your mind up sweets.

I'm bored of you now.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 18:15, Reply)
Bored already?
Well hey, lets find another witch hunt to validate ourselves then.

I can do pretend OMG indignation at most things, especially if it gives me the opening to get a good cruel dig at someone/thing I don't like.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 18:21, Reply)
If I were blaireau69
which I am not, I'd probably be more upset about being called the forum's dog than having a tasteless comment slated
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 18:56, Reply)
I call what is in front of my eyes.
The man posts

a nasty little clique of 3 or 4 people bury him (as usual)

He tries to make amends

a nasty little clique of 3 or 4 smile for the camera, then bury him. (as usual)

He keeps coming back, they keep kicking him.

And the sheep follow them, because after all we all liked to join in and give the kid who did not quite fit in a good kicking in the playground. As long as it was not us next eh! ?

Its the hypocrasy that is repugnant. The way they pick apart his every post to find something, anything to beat him with. In this case ... the fake over the top OMFG a plane crashed and he didn't care .... BURN HIM!!!!

Revolting behaviour, utterly utterly revolting.

Will the real B3ta please stand up!
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 20:29, Reply)
I haven't been here long enough to notice the pattern you are describing. But I've never kicked anyone when they were down, and I think I'd probably have noticed if he'd got crushed everytime he posted a thread. At the risk of 'taking the internet too seriously' I honestly can't see the problem here. The internet is cunty, something we have to live with sometimes and he seems capable of handling it, or he'd have fucked off months back
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 22:52, Reply)
Very much this last sentence right here.

(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 7:46, Reply)
Well thats all right then
so ...The usual suspects cynically use a tragic world event to work themselves up into a rightgeous frenzy of FAKE indignation ON THE INTERNET to whip up another witch hunt of hate against their favourite chew toy, for posting something, quite frankly tame compared to some of the crap posted by themselves. (this is B3ta remember)

and you say

because the chew toy keeps taking it and coming back that its alright? its cool?. That kind of behaviour is ok in your view?

I despair sometimes, I really do.
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 8:42, Reply)
I find it quite amusing, yeah.
Especially when you take it far too seriously. It's what they do. B69 posts his stuff. The others pick it apart and take the piss. I sit here and laugh. You sit there and get worked-up into a frenzy of deciding what should and shouldn't happen on b3ta, despite only having 250 posts to your name, and so the world keeps turning. I'm not saying you're wrong, and I won't use 'banter, innit' excuse because I know it's gone beyond that. But everyone has their point to make, you included, so I just sit here and let them make it. Would you prefer it if I jumped to his defence when I actually agree with some of the counter-points?
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 9:20, Reply)
I am far from being worked up into a frenzy
And I do apologise for only having 250 odd posts to my name making me obviously inferior to you oh great one.

I would simply prefer it if you would just be honest about what you do rather than try to pretend you are all indignant over his "terribly offensive" post.

Just be honest, say it. I am a bully and proud of it

One of those nasty weasely ones who stands at the side shouting "yeah, hit him harder. he deserves it" but never brave enough to get stuck in himself.

don't stink up the boards with hypocrasy and fake rage

try it. Go look in a mirror and say out loud, "I am a bully"
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 13:21, Reply)
I wasn't pretending. I genuinely think it's a shame that so many people are dead.
The fact is, it doesn't matter who wrote it in the first place. If I'd written it, I would expect to get an internet kicking because it's an offensive viewpoint.

Just because you've taken offence at our stand against it doesn't make you right or morally superior, just a bit of a twat for trying to tell us how to behave on the boards.

don't stink up the boards with hypocrasy and fake rage...Yeah I could say the same for you. I don't recall you posting on here before, but now you're blaireau's best bud?

Go look in the mirror and say I am a bus wanker. Do it now. The first step towards getting better is acceptance.
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 16:41, Reply)
Will no one think of the cabin crew !!!
OMG the cabin crew !!!!

(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 16:53, Reply)
Y'know I do feel rather sorry for them. More so for their families though
They were just doing their jobs and now you're being a sick cunt by trivialising their deaths. Well done you.
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 17:00, Reply)
Internet nobody makes sick joke on B3ta (home of the sick joke) OMG outrage ensues !!! ON THE INTERNET

I really am having trouble keeping a straight face now.

Maddie joke anyone?

A little twin towers photoshoppery perhaps?
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 17:09, Reply)
If it had been a joke originally then fair enough but it wasn't. You coming on here and spouting your belief that a small clique of people
I assume I'm part of it of course - are ruining someone's internet life and generally being terrible and then making stupid jokes...how is that beneficial to anyone? Are you just trying to up your post count? Make new friends? Alienate yourself? Or merely look a little silly?

Go ahead and make Maddie jokes and shop the towers if you like, but stop with the hand wringing for someone who hasn't even acknowledged your misguided help. He's a big boy and can take care of himself.
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 17:15, Reply)
you broke me with that one, The levels of INTERNET INDIGNATION hit record levels. I am laughing out loud now.

Go look in the mirror, and say out loud "I am troll bait"
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 17:19, Reply)
Get back to your mirror and call yourself a
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 17:23, Reply)
Sorry Toots
My mirror seems to have got stuck on telling me

"you are the prettiest in all the land"

I'll give it a knock later, see if I can move it over to buswanking.
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 17:28, Reply)
Aww such a pretty boy...such a pretty boy
I think bus shitting would be the way forward for you
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 17:41, Reply)
You'll be very pleased to know
The plane carrying the bodies back to Poland has landed safely (I think poor Beckys head would have exploded with a bizzare combination of OMGRAGE and aspergers if that one had crashed too)!

Trolls from all over the internet cancel their tickets to the inaugural B3TA off topic Retardothon and levels of INTERNET INDIGNATION begin to wane apart from small areas of London where keyboard cleaners are on high alert with their spittle spray.
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 18:01, Reply)
In other news, RadG has shown himself to be a massive white knightingspastic ONLINE
Well done RadG
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 18:10, Reply)
Playground insults traded


"When she called me a spastic, while pretending PC indignation about some dead guys on a plane, I knew I was beaten" Said RadG, Internet nobody due to lower post count than heroic high volume posting attention queen.

Disabled people ON THE INTERNET can't be arsed to be ENRAGED ONLINE over use of "spastic" slur because .... its B3TA!
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 18:24, Reply)
Seriously, why do you think I don't care about the death of so many people?

(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 18:31, Reply)
I am sure you do, and I respect that.
And I too am not totally lacking in empathy

But coming on to B3TA of all places!

and using it as a reason to go WAY over the top to kick your favourite chew toy?

There are other forums for expressing sincere condolences etc, perhaps the Polish embassy website?

But for the love of god woman, this is B3TA, home of Sickipedia, you get what it says on the tin!

You have posted FAR worse than the OP and such is your right as this is B3TA, but don't give me the OMG Indignant act to justify being particularly mean to someone you don't like. You don't like him, just call him a cunt, this is B3TA, its what happens. Don't dress it up in OMG crap.
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 18:35, Reply)
I'm pretty sure you'll find that
is the home of Sickipedia. But whatever.
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 18:57, Reply)
Error in internet nobodys post detected by heroic attention queen
Of course I should have said the B3TA book of sick jokes.

Either way still works.

must ... gasp ... have last ... choke ... word
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 19:55, Reply)
I think the point being made here is that you are overreacting in a large way. Something nasty was posted on a board and now you are claiming that anyone who did not wade in to say 'OMG U R Nasty 2 B69' automatically becomes complicit and a 'weasley little bully.' This may confuse you somewhat but I found the original post tasteless and what is far, far worse unfunny. Because no-one except B69 cares about his holiday, therefore it is not funny. I take with a pinch of salt your claims that he is bullied, since having a quick trawl of search is enough to reveal that he admits to having been a cunt in the past.

And now I am probably the subject of mockery for replying and pointing out the bleeding obvious. You can turn off the internet and walk away. It's not bullying in school or of the weak and vulnerable since they have no choice and no defense. It's mild, diluted scorn on the internet for an unfunny joke.
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 18:21, Reply)
No, you are not at all a subject of mockery
You are just seeing how many toys get thrown out of the pram when wannabe trolls get trolled themselves :)

I love the smell of OMGZ OUTRAGE on the internet in the morning

You see, they have been free and frequent in the past at dishing it out, but don't like it back at them :)

And judging by the number of Gaz's I have had saying how much ppl are enjoying their OMG reactions .... well there you have it.
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 18:27, Reply)
Oooooo, who's gazzed you?

(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 18:53, Reply)
Is it possible to gaz yourself?

(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 18:56, Reply)
I don't know

(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 19:15, Reply)
.Is it possible to gaz yourself
If your name is Gareth

And you are sublimely supple

Then yes

It could just be done
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 20:02, Reply)
All your old meat puppets
And all the dogs you ever owned.

They are all waiting for you to come back to them

in Troll heaven
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 19:59, Reply)
It could be noted
That most of the meat puppets probably have more posts to their names than you do. Not that this is a particularly accurate indicator of knowing what's going on on different boards, but y'know.

Also, even if it is b3ta, there are still things that aren't generally accepted. Like Daily Mail readers, or that guy with his nonce-esque story a while back.
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 20:10, Reply)
I am sure there is some sense there
But I remember much further back on B3TA, there have been some really, even for me boarderline stories which have been lapped up and praised as wit not seen since .Noel Cowards demise.

But again, this is B3TA.Its the way it has been since day 1. Do you Really honestly think the OP was worthy of the vitreolic response it got? and do you think you would like to Gaz Rob and tell him that the time is nigh for you to take over from him in deciding what is acceptable and what is not as he is allowing things that you find disturbing?

I don't, not by a long shot. Not by a million miles.
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 20:18, Reply)
and as you well know
There are some ppl with 20k + posts who are frankly idiots

and some ppl who are members for 5 years + who are idiots

Time served or proliferacy of posting is not the sum of the person.

Although the ability to point at such an idiot and tell them "thats a load of bollocks you opinionated tit" without tugging the forelock at their "superior posti count credentials" is the kind of ability I value.
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 20:31, Reply)
Very true, there are many factors that contribute
To whether or not someone is an online tit. Going by your repeated semi-hostility, reasonable arrogance about what others are saying, and general tit-ness today, I'm going to have to point at you as an idiot I think.

Edit: and the internet white-knightery. I forgot the white-knightery.
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 20:35, Reply)
I thank you :)
I like to think I provide the complete service, I'm just a little dissaponted nobody got down to correcting my grammar or spelling, but you can't have it all. And just remember, a troll is simply a reflection of those he trolls ;)

Oh ... mum says its time for bed, gotta go :)
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 20:41, Reply)
Too many line breaks.
Did not read.

Although, may I say, this is some excellent internet white knighting. I'm sure B69 is more than capable of looking after himself.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 17:47, Reply)
You should gaz a mod or something

(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 18:03, Reply)
I like kittens.

(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 18:12, Reply)
I like breasts

(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 18:15, Reply)
I like kitten breasts
Er, hang on...
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 18:19, Reply)

(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 15:35, Reply)
Alright blaireau69?

(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 12:50, Reply)
But to answer his question...
The civil war in Yugoslavia buggered up my holiday plans when it kicked off.
(, Sat 10 Apr 2010, 18:32, Reply)
finally an answer to the question!
it's a bugger when world events get in the way of far more important things.
like the morning after princess di died and the 1stmrsblaireau and i nearly missed a train cos of bunches of flowers on the road.

some interesting views aired up there ^ but unfortunately we were out eating pierogi so i couldn't get involved. some folks really got their knickers in a twist over stuff posted on the internet. it makes me laugh that rape, murder, child sex abuse and the like are suitable material for humour but when i make a seamingly cuntish comment about the deaths of a bunch of lying cocksuckers and hired killers then i'm worse than hitler.
there are far too many individual points for me to answer one at a time but briefly...
the general feeling on the street here in Lodz is that nobody is actually that bothered about the death of the fairly unpopular president. most folk are more upset by the 300+ people who died from the extreme cold this winter after the new president stifled plans to introduce a winter fuel payment deal like we have in the uk. i'm not too sure of the details because plenty of cytrinovka had been consumed by that point. i think it was actually more to do with streamlining an existing system or something.
as for the military types...i find it hard to feel sympathy for them, after all that they do.
and as for feeling so little for the country i'm visiting? bullshit. Poland has a very special place in my little black heart. it is a wonderfull place and i love it dearly. since i first came here 5 years ago i have visited 7 times, often for a month or more. i have made dear friends with people from all walks of life who we visit and stay with whenever we get the chance. babyblaireau, now approaching 3 1/2 is bilingual and will hopefully grow up to appreciate her Polish roots as much as her mother.

i do feel empathy for those left behind, the death of a loved one is a terrible thing.
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 11:16, Reply)
Just so you know, I'm on your side on this one, but only to troll everyone else.
The bit that I wonder, should the same thing happen over here, would there be such an outpouring of grief? Sure, they'll be grief, but over here I reckon it would be more as a "so I can be apart of something bigger than I am", than for the actual event itself.

Anyway, chin up big fella, Poland will be there next year.
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 12:53, Reply)
Well, I'm late
but having read through this thread and most of its subsequent replies, I can now see why the Daily Mail is such a popular newspaper; this is something that I didn't really understand before, so thank you to all the lovely people involved herein.
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 21:38, Reply)

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