To be honest,
It's the only website design book I've actually read, most of what I've learnt comes from the net as and when I need it, and hours of trial and error, heh.
Getting into PHP at the minute and could use a paper manual, any reccomendations?
Davethefan began lurking again on or around,
Mon 21 Jun 2010, 6:53,
A classic
Welling and Thomson: PHP and MySQL for Web Development. Loved that book.
Olembe Refuses to write in this space,
Mon 21 Jun 2010, 9:03,
^^ this
Mon 21 Jun 2010, 13:37,
I've not read their php one,
but I tend to find the Quickstart books are very good at giving a quick, simple overview (as the name suggests) and don't scare you off by starting with loads of pages about configuring servers.
monkeon schmonkeon,
Mon 21 Jun 2010, 10:04,
the online documentation is the best. combined with the comments. better than any other language's documentation. you'll learn alot
grey matter,
Mon 21 Jun 2010, 22:35,