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# Well - if you'd like to lay out the excuses for not bringing someone up well, that would be great.
'Being poor' is not an excuse. I know plenty of people - some of whom don't even have their own butlers - who are impecably behaved, despite having been brought up very much on the wrong side of the tracks.
(, Wed 10 Aug 2011, 11:19, archived)
# "Why are chavs" is a huge enigma, though.
What you've just said there is pretty much "chavs because chavs".
Once again, though, you might be right. The whole thing might just be noise.
(, Wed 10 Aug 2011, 11:23, archived)
# not excuses, reasons.
poor health and education of parents are factors.
(, Wed 10 Aug 2011, 11:29, archived)
# It's a recursive thing, isn't it?
Being brought up badly would explain why that person then brings someone else up badly.

From a lot of comments I've seen dismissing any idea of upbringing being a factor, I think a lot of people don't like the idea that we can be raised to be bad, simply because it means that our personalities are merely a product of luck, rather than some magical unchangable thing special to ourselves.

That said, excusing the violence entirely because of 'society' is not only dumb, but incredibly patronising to people from the same backgrounds who do not act like that.
(, Wed 10 Aug 2011, 11:44, archived)
# I've said many times, that I am not excusing anything
(, Wed 10 Aug 2011, 11:48, archived)
# Sorry, that line wasn't aimed at you.
I agree with your stance.

It was more a general comment on many comments I've seen that do seem completely divided down two extreme opinions, and refusing to accept that it can be both the individual and society to blame.
(, Wed 10 Aug 2011, 11:54, archived)