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# he is lovely
you'll have to see if wobbly feels like adding him to the tank.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:21, archived)
# The Sea-Horse is the Retarded Green thing....
I was a bit bored to I looked at the file names that Smashy gave them and named most of them.

If anyone else needs to pass away a few minutes, you could name the others or suggest a breed for Pedro?
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:25, archived)
# pedro is a mexican sombrero fish
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:27, archived)
# Nice one....
real... Does your Seahorse have a name?

(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:32, archived)
# he does
he's called gordon

i thought the green thing was a sunken viking ship :/
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:36, archived)
# i'm not surprised
she looks a bit like one
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:42, archived)
# Ha ha ha....
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:57, archived)
# That's Glenda's fancy dress costume sorted then
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 17:03, archived)
# pfff
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 17:14, archived)
# the fiend will be pleased
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 17:46, archived)