(maidenis filmed before a live studio audience,
Wed 28 Mar 2012, 20:28,
^Thish with bellsh on
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Wed 28 Mar 2012, 20:29,
had the right amount of wit and brackishness to make him believable.
(dazbrilliantwhiteshas been meaning to change this...,
Wed 28 Mar 2012, 20:42,
had the wrong mix of smugness, sleaze and arrogance to make him a believeable upper class twat
(Joe Scaramangawith a G-double-O-D vibration,
Wed 28 Mar 2012, 20:45,
Agreed. Compared to the more hard-boiled, rough-as-a-badger's-arse Bonds, he's a mere yuppie.
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Wed 28 Mar 2012, 20:48,
I never found him at all believable
Connery had the whole 50s/60s Cold War Charisma Moore was very camp 70s Carry On style Bond Lazenby seemed too stiff and lacked charisma Brosnan was 80s/90s Thatcherite PlayBoy Dalton was flat and unmemorable. Craig is sex on legs and putting new life into the Bond Films but he really isn't Bond he's like 008 or something.
(maidenis filmed before a live studio audience,
Wed 28 Mar 2012, 20:49,
except Craig - not my cuppa
Wed 28 Mar 2012, 20:55,
Well I'm judging more on age and availability in terms of 007 Bonds are concerned ;)
(maidenis filmed before a live studio audience,
Wed 28 Mar 2012, 21:00,
hahaha! yeah well since you put it that way..
he's definitely the best Bond in a long time ;)
Wed 28 Mar 2012, 21:05,
alI agree with all of this.
But I still think Moore is best... but that's because I like camp 70s carry on style bond
(Wildylesis back to rimming chimps,
Wed 28 Mar 2012, 21:01,
He was my favorite when I was a kid.
(dazbrilliantwhiteshas been meaning to change this...,
Wed 28 Mar 2012, 21:03,
^ this
(h3donisttryin' to play me out as if my name is Sega..,
Wed 28 Mar 2012, 21:23,
Barry Nelson: First Bond, worst Bond, thank god he wasn't the only Bond
(Joe Scaramangawith a G-double-O-D vibration,
Wed 28 Mar 2012, 20:41,
Barry Scott: Bang! And the Bond is gone
(mr horribleup yours, dickface,
Wed 28 Mar 2012, 20:44,
Great Scott!: and the delorean is gone
(Joe Scaramangawith a G-double-O-D vibration,
Wed 28 Mar 2012, 20:48,
mish Moneypenny?
(social hand grenadeI was a lurker before you were a lurker,
Wed 28 Mar 2012, 21:56,
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