What a bounder
On the subject of bounders, there used to be a great snack bar in my home town called Bounders, and on the sign was a sketch of two shifty-looking top-hatted gents. Then, a few years ago, someone in charge must have decided that no-one knows what a bounder is these days, and changed the name to 'Bouncers'. But they kept the pic of the two shadey toffs, even though it made no sense whatsoever. It's now closed down.
Photoshop Bitch 2014 edition,
Thu 14 Jun 2012, 18:29,
Are you sure part of the sign didn't just fall off?
Happosai _,,,,_(O ; o)_,,,,
Thu 14 Jun 2012, 19:16,
No, it was printed, not solid letters
They kept the same font and everything, just changed the d to a c. I wasn't amused.
Photoshop Bitch 2014 edition,
Thu 14 Jun 2012, 19:25,
They should've gone with Thundergays
Extinct Jesus Dossier "...I think it counteracts Hitler's magic...",
Thu 14 Jun 2012, 19:50,