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# Last two games I bought were 'Lollypop Chainsaw' and this.
So many crap games this year.
Darksiders 2 had better blow me away or I'm gonna go back to my Megadrive.

(, Wed 25 Jul 2012, 16:02, archived)
# It's surprisingly enjoyable in multiplayer.
Still very repetitive, but fun to yomp through while chatting with friends.
(, Wed 25 Jul 2012, 16:05, archived)
# So, it's a crap version of Left 4 Dead?
(, Wed 25 Jul 2012, 16:07, archived)
# I think it depends what you're looking for.
If you play L4D then you have an intense zombie experience, but if you're looking for a game to chew on while you have a chat and a few beers then it does the job nicely. It's very much like Borderlands in that respect.
(, Wed 25 Jul 2012, 16:19, archived)
# Agreed
Me and 3 mates went through 4 player co-op all the way through, and it was a great laugh. Proper enjoyed it, and will play through it again.

I quite liked lollipop chainsaw, too. Rough round the edges, short and basic, but funny and enjoyable.
(, Wed 25 Jul 2012, 16:22, archived)
# i met you, didn't i?
i'm having trouble remembering who i met at t'bash.
can't think why...
(, Wed 25 Jul 2012, 16:27, archived)
# I looked a bit like a young brian blessed
Big and hairy.
(, Wed 25 Jul 2012, 16:47, archived)
# This is me, apart from the mouth and body

(, Wed 25 Jul 2012, 16:48, archived)
# ah, right, i remember
had far too much cider that night and the mystery booze finished me off. fuck knows how i got up those stairs to the top floor!
(, Wed 25 Jul 2012, 16:53, archived)
# zombiu looks fucking good
(, Wed 25 Jul 2012, 17:05, archived)
# nowt wrong with zombies
also, got to say, loving the whole hillary and pip thing
(, Wed 25 Jul 2012, 16:10, archived)
# I heard a lot of bad things about that game.
Now you have to be wary of the games whose developers have outsourced their trailers to animation studios.
Like that new Raccoon City one. The trailer for that was epic but I heard that was a stinker as well.
I'm very much enjoying Max Payne 3 at the moment, just so you know.
Also *click*
(, Wed 25 Jul 2012, 16:19, archived)
# I've gone off Rockstar games.
They tend to present these vast game worlds that look very pretty but are completely devoid of any gameplay, which is why I'm not excited in the slightest about GTA5.
I want city-sized playgrounds in which I can build up a criminal empire (you know; GAMEPLAY) not city sized backdrops for a wannabe director/writer's stab at storytelling (Like L.A.Noir).
(, Wed 25 Jul 2012, 16:24, archived)
# I hear ya. Max Payne's not really like that though.
It's got levels and it's very shooty and stuff. But it does have the bad movie vibe going on. But I can't make my mind up about that aspect of it.
I saw a trailer for it at the cinema in between trailers for movies, and I couldn't decide whether it looked more like a great game or a terrible movie. Which is a shame because I shouldn't have to make that comparison. Games aren't movies. So they should't be advertised as such.
(, Wed 25 Jul 2012, 16:36, archived)
# Max payne 3 is aaaace - very polished and nicely made
Just finished it last night.
(, Wed 25 Jul 2012, 16:25, archived)
# The Last of Us!
That's teh one to watch :)
(, Wed 25 Jul 2012, 16:28, archived)
# I don't own a PS3.
There are no PS3 exclusives that make me want to buy one.
The only one that might have was the new Team Ico title, but I've seen bits of it and it just doesn't blow my skirt up.
(, Wed 25 Jul 2012, 16:30, archived)
# Aw shoot!
I thought you had one. Doesn't 'Drake' grab you?
Really rather good :)
(, Wed 25 Jul 2012, 16:31, archived)
# Yeah, but not enough to pile another machine into my living room.
(, Wed 25 Jul 2012, 16:47, archived)
# Ditto
MGS4 looked great, but i never want to play them - just watch the cutscenes.
The last of us looks interesting, as does the new ico one with the dogbird thing, but as you said - they dont make me want to go back to multi-console hell again.
(, Wed 25 Jul 2012, 16:50, archived)
# You're missing some cracking download titles.
ThatGameCompany and HouseMarque do brilliant work.
(, Wed 25 Jul 2012, 18:04, archived)
# Left 4 Dead 2 is currently £3.74 on steam
anyone who likes killing zombies and hasn't played it should throw money at their computer immediately
(, Wed 25 Jul 2012, 17:42, archived)