Any vote for something other than future farming is a vote for communism
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this,
Wed 12 Feb 2014, 20:48,
A vote for future farming is also a vote for communism
Photoshop Bitch 2014 edition,
Wed 12 Feb 2014, 21:13,
So, voting on the image challenge is a vote for communism
as is being on this website, and actually voting for communism
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this,
Wed 12 Feb 2014, 21:33,
everytime you vote for future farming, god masturbates
....and THEN kills a kitten
PedroHin Come along & ride on a Flantastic Voyage,
Wed 12 Feb 2014, 21:17,
as long as it's not in a communist way
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this,
Wed 12 Feb 2014, 21:31,