Image Challenge vote
It's Second-chance Wednesday — here's four challenges which nearly made it, but didn't.
One word challenge: Turtles
World War Y: Create shit and pointless Hollywood prequels
Farms of the Future: Mix farming with science fiction to show us how the high-tech farm of the future might work.
Fluffy Disasters: Use photoshop to promote the fluffy side of natural disasters, where everyone has a good time and no-one gets hurt.
Vote shaft:
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Wed 12 Feb 2014, 18:10,
One word challenge: Turtles
World War Y: Create shit and pointless Hollywood prequels
Farms of the Future: Mix farming with science fiction to show us how the high-tech farm of the future might work.
Fluffy Disasters: Use photoshop to promote the fluffy side of natural disasters, where everyone has a good time and no-one gets hurt.
Vote shaft:
If we pick 'Turtles', can we go apeshit on anyone who does a tortoise instead?
Coz we is being an English-speaking board 'n' shit isn't it though?
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Wed 12 Feb 2014, 18:36,
anyone else having trouble connecting to the poll site?
edit - s'ok, working now
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Wed 12 Feb 2014, 18:55,
ma monies on preqals
spotify:track:1JcwHjETNNbUH0yfrc9w9n (Power Core by Power Glove)
spotify:track:7nEEVfrkxGoUDxnc1htVph (Tachi by Ed Harrison)
___GUTEN TAG_____
spotify:track:63XWBP50fCjsP52MLnIpKm (Prophecy Theme by Toto)
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Wed 12 Feb 2014, 19:20,
spotify:track:1JcwHjETNNbUH0yfrc9w9n (Power Core by Power Glove)
spotify:track:7nEEVfrkxGoUDxnc1htVph (Tachi by Ed Harrison)
___GUTEN TAG_____
spotify:track:63XWBP50fCjsP52MLnIpKm (Prophecy Theme by Toto)
Shit prequels is good, but
perhaps drop the "hollywood" bit if it wins, so it can be extended to other media and not have two movie-only ones in a row.
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Wed 12 Feb 2014, 19:23,
star wars
we all know "shit prequels" is going to end up about two thirds "hilarious" phantom menace and attack of the clones posters. and one third revenge of the sith.
Any vote for something other than future farming is a vote for communism
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Wed 12 Feb 2014, 20:48,
So, voting on the image challenge is a vote for communism
as is being on this website, and actually voting for communism
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Wed 12 Feb 2014, 21:33,
everytime you vote for future farming, god masturbates
....and THEN kills a kitten
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Wed 12 Feb 2014, 21:17,