Suck it up, snowflake remoaner
Just because you can't stand to watch all this WINNING
Turtle Power & Knuckles,
Thu 20 Oct 2022, 22:39,
It's certainly breaking all records!
So, there's that.
2Pints , at the third stroke, it will be,
Thu 20 Oct 2022, 22:44,
Everything would be brilliant if it wasn't for all those remoaners who lost a vote 6 years ago
The Porcupine From Purgatory katsu revival trust,
Thu 20 Oct 2022, 22:58,
If you don't like the answer the public gave, you can ask a second, third and fourth time
says SNP Leader
Turtle Power & Knuckles,
Thu 20 Oct 2022, 23:13,
Until bored into submission
spazzcaptain Misses Valin @,
Fri 21 Oct 2022, 0:11,
This is the way of it.
Fri 21 Oct 2022, 10:16,
Don't forget how everything that has happened since 2014 is an OUTRAGE that DEMANDS independence.
The Porcupine From Purgatory katsu revival trust,
Fri 21 Oct 2022, 10:52,
I think that's how democracy works.
We hold elections every 4 or 5 years regardless of the results. The reason for the SNP's existence is to campaign for Scottish independence. Not sure what you expect from them. Doesn't seem to make any sense.
brb Learn Ukrainian and prepare for a referendum,
Fri 21 Oct 2022, 14:41,