Saw Suella laughing at human suffering and thought of a certain couple...
(c) 2002
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Sun 19 Mar 2023, 9:08,
(c) 2002
She's shouting to Heaven, cursing God and challenging Him to show Himself, or she shall continue her reign of terror paving the way for the Birth of the Antichrist in 2025 (Boris will probably be the father by his next wife)
As it was written in the Codex Malificarium, "Hear me, Oh Lord Yahweh, God of the Israelites, He who laid waste His enemies by plague and by beast and by sword! Hear me, Creator, for I shall unravel your works, devour the firstborns of Your creations, bathe in their tears and rejoice in their suffering! For it is foretold, oh Lord, that as the children of men flee from war and from famine, to seek sanctuary in my land, I shall banish them far from here to a distant country where they shall have no rights, no joy, no hope. And I shall laugh."
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Sun 19 Mar 2023, 9:30,