Oh yes
I think it represents a coming together of the earths nations, shown with the two species that are naturally as geographically seperated as physically possible, coming together to share a bed.
The fragility of this union is cleverly conveyed by the way that they are perched so close to the edge of the bed.
Very evocative. Very now. Clever use of space and composition.
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Fri 7 Jun 2002, 10:46,
The fragility of this union is cleverly conveyed by the way that they are perched so close to the edge of the bed.
Very evocative. Very now. Clever use of space and composition.
Clever use of the old "bullshit-speaking" technique there.
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Fri 7 Jun 2002, 10:47,
Very Tracy Emin's Bed
darling and a touch derivative, yet pushing forward boundaries in new ways that seperate the essential aesthetic of the piece between the extensions of our own pre-defined conceptual framework and that of a polar bear snuggled up with a penguin for a good nights kip
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Fri 7 Jun 2002, 10:48,
No, no, no, no, no.
I think the penguin represents the child in us all wanting to be protected.
The untidy floor is evocative of Picasso in his 'I cant be bothered to tidy my studio phase'.
I find the whole piece deeply emotional.
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Fri 7 Jun 2002, 10:49,
I think the penguin represents the child in us all wanting to be protected.
The untidy floor is evocative of Picasso in his 'I cant be bothered to tidy my studio phase'.
I find the whole piece deeply emotional.
A good point
and yet, whether subliminally or perhaps even overtly, you are attempting by your statement to re-contextualize the piece in light of your own extrapolatory ethic - and that places your argument beyond what we would, perhaps traditionally define, as strictly correct in the generally accepted modal nexus in which we operate.
So stop being a poo brain smelly bum wee face
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Fri 7 Jun 2002, 10:58,
So stop being a poo brain smelly bum wee face
But I have to relate my own experiences to the piece in question. Amd my experience if art, life and literature informs me that my dad is much bigger than yours.
So there.
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Fri 7 Jun 2002, 11:01,
So there.
yet still lacking that emotional punch that defines true authenticity. Perhaps you should cleanse your mind of negative thoughts and approach the piece again from a fresh perspective, and you should hear it softly singing to you the gentle, and ultimately true phrase - "My Dad is a policeman and a wrestler and he was in the Army"
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Fri 7 Jun 2002, 11:03,