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# Evenin' b3tans.
Off to bed in a half hour or so but was remind of something...
'So I Married a Strange Person' - an animated film by Bill Plympton
(you may remember the two guys punching each others faces
in and the like on MTV a few years back during ad breaks - same
sort of stuff)
It is _incredibly_ b3tan and I recommend it to all.
especially after a wee smoke
(, Mon 10 Jun 2002, 23:00, archived)
# mmmm. wee smoke. mmmmmmmmmmm
I'm looking forward to tomoro'
I won't be without then....
(, Mon 10 Jun 2002, 23:03, archived)
# he rocks
didnt he do the niknak ads too?
many moons ago......
(, Mon 10 Jun 2002, 23:03, archived)
# fucking clever bloke.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2002, 23:07, archived)
# Matt Groening
considers him 'God'
(, Mon 10 Jun 2002, 23:09, archived)
# they're both beyond my imagination
and Gods, in my book.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2002, 23:20, archived)
# Ind
(, Mon 10 Jun 2002, 23:23, archived)
# .
I haven't been able to get a PAL copy or a DVD for the appropriate region of it. Tartan Video do distribute "The Tune" in the UK, another Plympton animation, but not quite so demented or enjoyable as "So I married...". The Tune does have the characters from the NikNaks advert in it though.
(, Tue 11 Jun 2002, 1:04, archived)
# Oooh yes...
~"Would you love me if I followed a fad~
~dressed like a shad~
~and blew your dad..."~

Top-notch movie!
(, Mon 10 Jun 2002, 23:06, archived)
# If I had a thousand fingers
and they were all singers?
Fucking excellent!
Glad someone's seen it...
(, Mon 10 Jun 2002, 23:08, archived)
# I bought the DVD
When I was out in America in 2000. It's been used to scare many people ever since!

Possibly the most insane sex scene in the history of cinema as well.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2002, 23:30, archived)
# :(
I've never seen it.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2002, 23:33, archived)
# Mr pizza - I
demand you do so immediately!
And it's true - it can be used to frighten visitors galore!
(, Mon 10 Jun 2002, 23:38, archived)
# Well
YOU live in Kent - come visit and I show you. I'm between you and London!
(, Mon 10 Jun 2002, 23:42, archived)
# They were showing some of Plymptons stuff
on Paramount about a week ago (late night/early morning).
(, Mon 10 Jun 2002, 23:09, archived)