Ive seen that already today, cant remember where though.
( ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:11,

888888b. 888 888 888 d8b 888
888 "88b 888 888 888 Y8P 888
888 .88P 888 888 888 888
8888888K. 888 888 888 888 .d8888b 88888b. 888 888888
888 "Y88b 888 888 888 888 88K 888 "88b 888 888
888 888 888 888 888 888 "Y8888b. 888 888 888 888
888 d88P Y88b 888 888 888 X88 888 888 888 Y88b. d8b
8888888P" "Y88888 888 888 88888P' 888 888 888 "Y888 Y8P

never having heard either of the original records, I can't really enjoy it to the MAX.
( ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:18,

i could believe people hadn't heard hinterland by AIM but britney's slave 4 u? blimey.
( ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:20,
i could believe people hadn't heard hinterland by AIM but britney's slave 4 u? blimey.

and strangely enough, never have. Just lucky, I guess.
( ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:21,

i posted it around quakenet a few days ago and only just put it on here :)

on a different server and without the watermark?
( ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:17,

I'm getting far too much amusement out of this.
( ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:22,

wouldn't you have the water running? And how did the offended person determine that it was spunk and not hair conditioner? Did s/he smell it?
( ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:43,

but it was amusing bull until this arsemangling twummockscratcher came along and make it into even more amusing bull.
( ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:46,

you'll notice hte picture i just posted on here is actually larger than the cropped + UN-watermarked version i posted before (the one in the newsletter). and the new one is a 300k jpg pretty much straight from my camera. the other was a 50k (85% compressed) jpg to save my adsl bandwidth.
unless i have real photoshopping-fridges skillz i think that proves it.
faggot :)
( ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:25,
unless i have real photoshopping-fridges skillz i think that proves it.
faggot :)

it was in the newsletter so a possible 60000 people saw it yesterday. masturbate into something else, then take a photo when you get caught.
( ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:27,

1) You can't spell.
2) Your shift key is broken.
3) The original image in the newsletter is larger in pixel size. [Edit: correction, no it's not - just looks that way.]
4) Crappy compression means yours is larger in file size. [This point, however, still stands.]
5) In conclusion, you are an arse.
( ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:29,
2) Your shift key is broken.
3) The original image in the newsletter is larger in pixel size. [Edit: correction, no it's not - just looks that way.]
4) Crappy compression means yours is larger in file size. [This point, however, still stands.]
5) In conclusion, you are an arse.

if you can really be bothered, actually read and consider my post.
the newsletter + all other mirrors are CROPPED versions of the original. unless i somehow drew on extra bits of the fridge for my post....
the newsletter was also smaller in file-size because it was more compressed. ie. less detail. did i also enhance it?
no more please
( ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:34,
the newsletter + all other mirrors are CROPPED versions of the original. unless i somehow drew on extra bits of the fridge for my post....
the newsletter was also smaller in file-size because it was more compressed. ie. less detail. did i also enhance it?
no more please

(Newsletter linky is here) - they're exactly the same.
"no more please"! Pfft! As if.
( ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:37,
"no more please"! Pfft! As if.

and the one in the newsletter are exactly the same
( ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:37,

You talentless spunkmonkey... If wanking in the shower amounts to the total of your talent, then you've no place here.
Do some work of your own and then maybe people will be nice to you Herr FlangeBasket
( ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:39,
Do some work of your own and then maybe people will be nice to you Herr FlangeBasket

but the dimensions are exactly the same
( ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:32,

If you copy and paste the url, this one's huuuuuge too.
( ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:37,

However, considering he claimed that the newsletter one was a cropped version of his, and it clearly isn't, the point is moot.
( ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:38,

ok yeah i got that bit wrong
must have cropped it after it was mirrored. (i was trying to save my bandwidth while it was on my local machine before i uploaded it to my host (with watermark :))
the compression is still a valid point tho. so i'm not a "liar". so there.
( ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:43,
must have cropped it after it was mirrored. (i was trying to save my bandwidth while it was on my local machine before i uploaded it to my host (with watermark :))
the compression is still a valid point tho. so i'm not a "liar". so there.

take another picture of it from a different angle. then we will know you're not lying and love you forever
( ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:50,

We believe you.
Thousands wouldn't.
Let's see a picture of the fridge without the note, hm? Or a different picture of the note? Oh, and to make sure it's not photoshopped, let's have those letters rearranged into "b3ta" - you have the 3, t, and a; I'm sure you have a b as well.
Make sure that letter in the background's there, too.
( ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:48,
Thousands wouldn't.
Let's see a picture of the fridge without the note, hm? Or a different picture of the note? Oh, and to make sure it's not photoshopped, let's have those letters rearranged into "b3ta" - you have the 3, t, and a; I'm sure you have a b as well.
Make sure that letter in the background's there, too.

What do you know. He did! www.b3ta.com/board/1481698 . Apologies given!
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Sun 29 Jun 2003, 0:09,