Lovely work there Slim.
Friends of mine recently going through the adoption process were asked about what names they'd be OK for their kids to have. There were 4 Britneys, a Shiraz and a Chanel. Spelt Channel.
( ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 9:00,
The kids they have got
came from a family of six kids. 5 boys: Frank, Bruno, Lewis, Lennox, Tyson
The Mum was allowed to choose the girl's name, she was an Eastenders fan so the daughter is called Bianca.
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Wed 16 Jul 2003, 9:08,
The Mum was allowed to choose the girl's name, she was an Eastenders fan so the daughter is called Bianca.
I've always wondered
what your real name was.
Edit: Naah, I know some people that have fostered a load of different kids. It sounds awfully familiar.
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Wed 16 Jul 2003, 9:10,
Edit: Naah, I know some people that have fostered a load of different kids. It sounds awfully familiar.
How's the moustache coming?
I'm so glad we all decided to grow one for the bash. Everyone will look so dapper.
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Wed 16 Jul 2003, 9:05,
My abcense on Saturday
excuses me from moustache growing I think.
I feel so left out now......
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Wed 16 Jul 2003, 9:07,
I feel so left out now......