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# you have scrolled down haven't you
Generally we don't like to be asked to create something specific on demand for people.
If you want stuff made to your spec pay some arty graffic designer some silly money to make it
(, Mon 1 Sep 2003, 16:53, archived)
# Oh right...
I have no need of a skating monkey and if I did I would pay one of you guys for it, I thought it would be funny today has been unbelieveably dull.
(, Mon 1 Sep 2003, 16:55, archived)
# It's because
when you post a new thread, it's knocks one off the end of the board.. so in putting your challenge to the board, you knocked someone's hard work off the end, hence forth - "threadwasting" next time, would be easier and less of an annoyance to people to "threadjack" i.e. reply to an existing thread...!
(, Mon 1 Sep 2003, 16:58, archived)
# no it's not
don't go perpetuating a myth - that's not the only, or indeed any reason why he got moaned at
(, Mon 1 Sep 2003, 16:59, archived)
# I think we've been
(, Mon 1 Sep 2003, 16:58, archived)
# in that case
you should have made it yourself...

we all make what WE think will be funny - no matter how crap we think we might be at it, it's the fact that we thought of it and made it ourselves that makes it appealing to us, and hopefully to others
(, Mon 1 Sep 2003, 16:58, archived)
# fair enough
bein asked to make stuff, or even worse being provided with a picture of someone to deface, never go down all that well.
(, Mon 1 Sep 2003, 17:00, archived)
# except on my little sister's birthday
when for some reason I got a load of really REALLY good replies. It was a slow sunday though.
(, Mon 1 Sep 2003, 17:03, archived)
# Sundays are a bit different
I think during the working day, the stress of trying to be on the board, and not get caught not doing any work, increases the anger.
(, Mon 1 Sep 2003, 17:09, archived)
# What's so fucking funny about a skateboarding monkey?
Sounds cliched and derivative to me.
(, Mon 1 Sep 2003, 17:00, archived)