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# And another one...
In Chemistry (Secondary School) we watched with fascination as a small ball of Magnesium (it was something like magnesium, anyway) was lit and dropped into a tank of water. It became an incandescent white ball of light that rocketed round the surface like a bastard.


Two weeks later, 'Spud' the Lab Technician (why are they all like that) procured a HUGE roll of the stuff and we made a ball about the size of a football with a 6' fuse. Then lit it and lobbed it into the swimming pool during 1st year swimming...

Fucking brilliant noises came from the rapidly shut door of the pool.

(, Thu 23 Oct 2003, 11:57, archived)
# and another thing......
My boyfriend and I used to sell sheep droppings (the small ones) to youngster who belived that it was hash.
All looks the same in cling flim!
(, Thu 23 Oct 2003, 12:55, archived)
# Land Rover?
I once did a shite on the bonnet of my mates Freelander for a laugh.

Needless to say, I was drunk, and he didn't laugh.

I laughed.
(, Thu 23 Oct 2003, 13:29, archived)
# Probably sodium...
...it is usually stored in oil as it reacts violently to air and water. My mates and I were slightly peeved by the miniscule amount designated to us by our chemistry teacher, Sconny (a former alcoholic who used to distill meths to drink and once pissed himself in front of a whole class... but that's another story.) We broke into the lab store room and stole the entire container containing several small pieces and one HUGE chunk, which we fucked off the bridge in our town at the soonest available oppurtunity. The chunk whizzed around for a while in a most pleasing manner before annhialating itself in an explosion that most teenage boys only dream about. The cops are probably still wondering about that one...
(, Thu 23 Oct 2003, 16:57, archived)