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# swear filter
this filter is shit, it doesn't even do all the words, and what word becomes orangutan?

heres some of the swear words that are and arn't changed

watermelon - F.U.C.K.
shit - S.H.I.T.
arse - A.R.S.E
dave - D.A.V.E
cranberry - C.U.N.T
bollocks - B.O.L.L.O.C.K.S
nipples - N.I.P.P.L.E.S
wank - W.A.N.K
vagina - V.A.G.I.N.A
pussy - P.U.S.S.Y
zeppelin - T.W.A.T
penis - P.E.N.I.S
crap - C.R.A.P
faggot - F.A.G.G.O.T
bastard - B.A.S.T.A.R.D

please help me with the ones i've missed
(, Wed 19 Nov 2003, 20:10, archived)
# that's nice
have you tried being quiet?

i think it might suit you
(, Wed 19 Nov 2003, 20:28, archived)
# up yours
why don't you try eating a cranberry you zeppelin and watermelon your mum
imature yes, but editing may make it funnier.
(, Wed 19 Nov 2003, 21:42, archived)
# because i'm gay?
(, Thu 20 Nov 2003, 16:57, archived)
# Well...
...what you do in your own time is your choice, it isn't really a come back, or what ever that was ment to be.
(, Thu 20 Nov 2003, 22:46, archived)
# you are missing
happy baby orangutan - aka w.a.n.k.e.r
(, Thu 20 Nov 2003, 11:02, archived)
# You can stick it
...up your cranberry. Go watermelong yourself and zeppelin up your mate.
(, Thu 20 Nov 2003, 18:16, archived)