That is soooooooo nice.
One of my colleagues gave me a card (my only one so far) with a polar bear on it.
She looked very confused when I said 'Oooh! Furtive!'
HP hasn't been here in aaaaaages,
Tue 9 Dec 2003, 22:57,
I'm not sending any cards this year,
and I've requested that people don't send me any. I prefer the trees.
goat thinks you're shit,
Tue 9 Dec 2003, 22:58,
but they're so hard
to get into the little envelopes
amon - hooray :D,
Tue 9 Dec 2003, 22:59,
but trees are a bugger to fit in an envelope.
Mullet Over,
Tue 9 Dec 2003, 22:59,
good idea
this year all my cards will be made of acetate
Tue 9 Dec 2003, 22:59,
most of mine get sent electronically...
only have to print a few out...
edit... so thinking about it i don't know why i call them cards but still...
eclectech is older but no wiser,
Tue 9 Dec 2003, 22:59,