Brie is lovely!
How dare you sir. I challenge you to a duel for her honour.
*slaps face with glove*
*realises he is being a ponce and runs*
( ,
Tue 6 Jan 2004, 17:40,
*slaps face with glove*
*realises he is being a ponce and runs*
Ah, the french may be the devil's people
(or made out of sick)
But their cheese and definitly their wine will live on.
( ,
Tue 6 Jan 2004, 17:42,
But their cheese and definitly their wine will live on.
The only thing good to come out of France was..
The Channel Tunnel.
Oh, and the wine.
And the Champagne.
Oh And those funny little white fluffy sweets.
And the occassional cheese.
And the horses. (no maybe they don't come out of France)
And the viaducts...
( ,
Tue 6 Jan 2004, 17:48,
Oh, and the wine.
And the Champagne.
Oh And those funny little white fluffy sweets.
And the occassional cheese.
And the horses. (no maybe they don't come out of France)
And the viaducts...