Captain Pinkerton's enthusiasm was boundless, but his navigation left a little to be desired
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Tue 6 Jan 2004, 18:38,
"And on the left you will see the burnt remains
of Beagle2 destroyed by a CIA extra long range heat seeker missile."
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Tue 6 Jan 2004, 18:41,
i'm confused
but probably mostly down to me doing a full circle (?), i only went and bloody did it, a full older message page by page click until i went full circle to where i left it yesterday. This doesn't have a B3TAn name does it, 4rthur doesn't mention anything about it, can we call it pluking :)
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Tue 6 Jan 2004, 18:41,
I think they call it spaz or time spaz or something.. but i dont really know.
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Tue 6 Jan 2004, 18:45,
you get scars for catching sars on mars while not driving cars in jars on bars?
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Tue 6 Jan 2004, 18:47,