Take a look at what we've made. It's a trailer for a legoman movie under production ('Attack of the Clichés'). It's 7mb, but the server is quite fast.
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Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:16,

for the record:
"Which is correct as the plural of LEGO: 'Lego' or 'Legos'? Neither, actually. The word 'LEGO', when used as a noun, should only refer to the company that makes the product. Otherwise 'LEGO' is supposed to be used as an adjective. Thus, when referring to the pieces, neither 'lego' nor 'legos' is correct... rather one should say: 'LEGO bricks' or 'LEGO pieces' or whatever (using LEGO as an adjective -- and one should really capitalize all of the letters, and put the little 'circle-R' symbol after it (®)). This is all a matter of protecting the trademark of 'LEGO' for the company (using it otherwise degenerates the strength of the trademark). This is not to say that I use the word correctly 100% of the time... but that's the answer to the question (it's always fun/painful to read the near-flame-wars that start at slashdot.org over this topic... and generally, both sides are wrong)"
quoted from www.ericharshbarger.org/lego/faq.html
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Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:19,
"Which is correct as the plural of LEGO: 'Lego' or 'Legos'? Neither, actually. The word 'LEGO', when used as a noun, should only refer to the company that makes the product. Otherwise 'LEGO' is supposed to be used as an adjective. Thus, when referring to the pieces, neither 'lego' nor 'legos' is correct... rather one should say: 'LEGO bricks' or 'LEGO pieces' or whatever (using LEGO as an adjective -- and one should really capitalize all of the letters, and put the little 'circle-R' symbol after it (®)). This is all a matter of protecting the trademark of 'LEGO' for the company (using it otherwise degenerates the strength of the trademark). This is not to say that I use the word correctly 100% of the time... but that's the answer to the question (it's always fun/painful to read the near-flame-wars that start at slashdot.org over this topic... and generally, both sides are wrong)"
quoted from www.ericharshbarger.org/lego/faq.html

to bob robinson but couldnt be bothered typing it.

i just like winding yanks up.
i wonder if theres any full time jobs doing it.......

gives you free reign on pissing the yanks off :)
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Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:37,

i might apply for the primeministers job.
i reckon i could piss old georgie boy off a little bit
probably a bad idea given georges dodgy trigger finger
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Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:39,
i reckon i could piss old georgie boy off a little bit
probably a bad idea given georges dodgy trigger finger

quite magnificent
I love the seamless integration of cgi and Fray Bentos pie tin spaceships!
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Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:24,
I love the seamless integration of cgi and Fray Bentos pie tin spaceships!

that's amazing.
My favorite part is the spinning pie plate UFOs
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Wed 10 Mar 2004, 12:27,
My favorite part is the spinning pie plate UFOs