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# I've gotta get me
some of these babe magnets
(, Fri 15 Mar 2002, 7:51, archived)
# Are you pleased to see me
or is that a dalek in your trousers?
(, Fri 15 Mar 2002, 7:54, archived)
# Exsperminate!!
White wee-wee...
(, Fri 15 Mar 2002, 8:02, archived)
# W-h-e-r-e h-a-v-e y-o-u b-e-e-n
y-o-u s-l-a-g

o-o-o-o h-a-r-k a-t h-e-r

etc :)
(, Fri 15 Mar 2002, 8:05, archived)
# no-bod-y loves a rad-led old da-lek queeeeen
great stuff!
(, Fri 15 Mar 2002, 8:15, archived)
# I'd forgotten about the
gay daleks - yay!.......maybe crab_bloke can bring 'em back in his TV show!
(, Fri 15 Mar 2002, 8:24, archived)
# Sounds like
Andrew would need some that are bigger on the inside than they are on the outside
(, Fri 15 Mar 2002, 7:58, archived)
# fantastic nerddom
camp as hell too.
(, Fri 15 Mar 2002, 7:59, archived)
# well
they get Domu's seal of aproval:

(, Fri 15 Mar 2002, 8:05, archived)