means Not Safe For Work (i.e. pornographic-type images that if your boss sees you looking at while in work could result in you getting the sack)
i know what a meme is, but haven't a definition i'm afeard
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Sat 17 Jul 2004, 0:10,
i know what a meme is, but haven't a definition i'm afeard
many thanks and a woo for that!
yeah i gather Rob et al wouldnt appreciate it. thanks again.
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Sat 17 Jul 2004, 0:11,
1 A recurring or viral image, series of images, or concept. : 1. a man trying to ascend into a helicopter while being attacked by a shark 2. all your base are belong to us. 3. domokun. 4. nohands. 5. furtive. and so on.
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Sat 17 Jul 2004, 0:11,
i kinda get the idea but im still getting used to those scary bear things..although i do want one. as for all the names, like i say, im still a newbie. been posting loads though. hope i keep the standards up ;)
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Sat 17 Jul 2004, 0:15,
do you mean
Chump Manbear??
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Sat 17 Jul 2004, 0:18,
I thought that
but then I thought maybe they're refering to Domo
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Sat 17 Jul 2004, 0:20,
what? hey dont get me wrong. im just enjoying a few pints and listening to war of the worlds seeing as how an earlier post put me in the mood. dont judge me! hehe
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Sat 17 Jul 2004, 0:22,