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Rendered Some T - 32k?
Spenglebert Humptyback ,
Thu 27 Jan 2005, 13:49,
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most l33t
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Thu 27 Jan 2005, 13:51,
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blimey that's good
did you bump map it or is it just a basic mesh?
lemony ,
Thu 27 Jan 2005, 13:53,
archived )
Its based on
a Fractal Brass Rubbing of a banana skin I found stuck to my shoe. Oh and ray-traced of course!
Spenglebert Humptyback ,
Thu 27 Jan 2005, 13:54,
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man, i wish i had your skills
finally, someone on b3ta who isn't FUCKING SHIT at 3D stuff
lemony ,
Thu 27 Jan 2005, 13:56,
archived )
was doing Ray Tracing in Imagine on my Atari ST Years before the Interweb was even Born. As you can see the Standard of my output now is so high I doubt I'll ever find someone worthy of passing my vast knowledge onto on this dull planet! oh well! Talent Like this is such a burden! Would anybody like some tea?
Spenglebert Humptyback ,
Thu 27 Jan 2005, 14:00,
archived )
HDRI or Mentalray then :(
Zykatious Is all like WWOOOAAAHHHH ,
Thu 27 Jan 2005, 13:56,
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blimey that`s uber-high poly
do you have a render farm?
Reckless_Rik ,
Thu 27 Jan 2005, 13:53,
archived )
Three Weeks
of 24 Batteries of chickens working tirelessly!
Spenglebert Humptyback ,
Thu 27 Jan 2005, 13:55,
archived )
Deserves a 3D woo yay
Erdos ,
Thu 27 Jan 2005, 13:58,
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that rocks the boat out
did you use virtual cloth?
Zykatious Is all like WWOOOAAAHHHH ,
Thu 27 Jan 2005, 14:01,
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low poly
Reckless_Rik ,
Thu 27 Jan 2005, 14:02,
archived )
I dunno what virtual cloth is
I made it using a 3D engine I wrote myself.
Erdos ,
Thu 27 Jan 2005, 14:11,
archived )
The Duke of Prunes ,
Thu 27 Jan 2005, 14:04,
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