Same - but with black wings wasnt sure which one was best...!
Recently there has been a lot of dark art bashing on b3ta, now i'm not sure why this is but i'd like to ask those who are doing it - to stop. if you dont like the picture - just ignore it. I've taken onboard what others have said about my style and pics and will be producing a more varied selection of pictures in the future.
i hope that the fluffy levels will return to there previous high levels - thanks... :o)

people would come on here jsut rip apart other people! :o(
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:07,

1) Ugh (and slightly queezy)
2) You got a sexy bird to wear a belt like that and lay on your bed. And all you did was take a picture
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:31,
2) You got a sexy bird to wear a belt like that and lay on your bed. And all you did was take a picture

slightly disquieting (have been snooping in your profile) but also, most woo. Carry on.
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:59,

I'll smack 'em around. Your stuff is ace.
EDIT: And I like the white wings better.
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:07,
EDIT: And I like the white wings better.

rocks. Anyone who says otherwise is probably still learning to open MS Paint. Keep it up fella
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:31,

And I have to say that your art, dark or otherwise, is a lot better than some of the tosh on here.
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:07,
And I have to say that your art, dark or otherwise, is a lot better than some of the tosh on here.

thanks! but its not jsut me - other people like yeknom and pickles have also had the same shit.
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:09,

which may be a factor.... But if its good its good - why bitch unless you're jealous?
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:35,

i'm not sure why some people - if they dont like the pics - dont just ignore them! :o)
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:39,

and her face is mildly disturbing
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:08,

rocks! ive never seen ne1 bash u, id give em a bunch of fives if someone ever did!
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:09,

and i've had a lot of people tell me stuff that is not very nice. but for the majority of people are happy and fluffy - its jsut a few not naming names who are turning this site into a shit hole! :o)
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:12,

I don't think most of it was directed at you
your work has a creepy sinister mood about it and it's not always overt
I think they were just having a bad day
oh and you always have a CFB on the more gory efforts now
so you don't have to see anything you don't want too
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:16,
your work has a creepy sinister mood about it and it's not always overt
I think they were just having a bad day
oh and you always have a CFB on the more gory efforts now
so you don't have to see anything you don't want too

edit : thats usually why i do a cfb - i often make thumbnails too. :o)
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:17,

the black wings make it more atmospheric, but the white ones make it more dynamic.
And don't let those **** tell you what to make. If they had any creativity they'd be making stuff themselves instead of bothering you. (Diversity's good, though).
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:10,
And don't let those **** tell you what to make. If they had any creativity they'd be making stuff themselves instead of bothering you. (Diversity's good, though).

i wasnt sure which one was better - but agreed.
well i dont like people telling me what to do - although i do agree that some of my pics are a little gross! :o)
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:15,
well i dont like people telling me what to do - although i do agree that some of my pics are a little gross! :o)

that among the recent overflow of trolls, none of them have made any quality pics at all
except for the one who edited their FP to a bunch of gay pics of buffy characters. that was still shit.
you're definetely one of the best photoshoppers here, don't get discouraged!
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:11,
except for the one who edited their FP to a bunch of gay pics of buffy characters. that was still shit.
you're definetely one of the best photoshoppers here, don't get discouraged!

thank you - i'm glad people like my stuff! :o)
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:18,

i wasnt sure about it - but people seem to like it! :o)
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:19,

I would!
Also, your work is fine and you really shouldn't be discouraged by the twunts.
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:14,
Also, your work is fine and you really shouldn't be discouraged by the twunts.

on the internet there are lots of pictures of kittens!!
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:19,

Erm you'll have to excuse me....I'll be in the toilet where the *cough* light is better to look at this page.
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:24,

:o) dont forget to wash your hands after you go to the toilet! :o)
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:25,

I'm a good boy. I always wash my hands after a wank wee wee. Gah I wish I didn't have limewire on all the time. I'd use some of those pics and try to work out how you do what you do.
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:28,

stop you doong that??
good boy always wash you hands - otherwise you might get stuck to things! :o)
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:31,
good boy always wash you hands - otherwise you might get stuck to things! :o)

It's eating up bandwidth for some reason (even with a 1meg connection) and generally slows the comp down. This isn't a very old comp by any standard but it runs slowly at times, regardless of all the tweaking I do :(
EDIT: I suppose the 9 episodes of Most Haunted I'm downloading might have something to do with it ;)
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:32,
EDIT: I suppose the 9 episodes of Most Haunted I'm downloading might have something to do with it ;)

mine is only a couple of years and gets so slow! especially when using tattyshop. why dont u turn limewire off?? i downloaded gnoozle the other day which is pretty cool! :o)
edit : arrrrg orbs! Sam - whats that sam!! and so on! woo! :o)
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:35,
edit : arrrrg orbs! Sam - whats that sam!! and so on! woo! :o)

I'm running CS on a PIII 500, 128meg RAM hahahaha. This comp should be decent with double that amount of RAM (DDR as well) and a 2.something GHz thingymajig...but sadly mine performs better.
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:38,

but it slows right down when i work on big pics - stock over 1000pixels tall i usually have to shrink down to make it workable! :o)
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:41,

He's got 2gigs DDR400 or something, 3 or 4 GHz processor, big fuck off gfx card. He likes to remind me of that fact every 5 mins. Altough I have the last laugh because I can use photoshop hehehe
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:43,

i need a better pc - although i'm still paying for this one (well my parents are as i'm broke!)
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:45,

Same here. Well mine was paid off right away as I used a student loan at the time. I think I'll just end up buying a new motherboard/processor/memory package...works out really cheap. I don't need a monitor or anything as I took that precaution when I was buying and opted for a 19". And my old voodoo 4 still seems to function ok.
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:49,

i brought a p500 when i was a student - and it was crap - never go to novatech! the first one died two months after having it and the second one worked sloooooooooooooooow! :o(
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:51,

Yeah pretty much the same with Tiny. I have a lot of touble with mine but mainly thats down to windows itself. Mine used to run great for an old comp. Then I obtained XP pro which slowed the thing down beyond belief. I'll end up getting something from mplex or whatever. They're cheap enough. Anyway I'm going to head off for a bit and get some shopping done (of the tatty variety) and I'll get back later ;) Have fun sir.
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:54,

that keeps readin that sites name as Devian Tart?
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:45,

As is the norm with you sir. Keep doing what you do and don't let the trouble makers get you down. Right on to the important point: I want your women. Give me/sell me your women ;)
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:17,

but i know that they can be very hurtfull when all you want to do is show your pics! :o)
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:20,

The point of this site is to display artwork and have a laugh while you do it. The only exception being truly offensive stuff that could get everyone into trouble...for some twunt to make trouble out of the fine work posted by many is just pathetic. *Closes gob now*
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:22,

but jsut art or pics should be just accepted for what it is! :o)
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:25,

and thought u was just sick! but after lookin at ur sites and all ur pix they are all so so........ woooooo! can't wait to see next 1 :)
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:27,

:o) but i'm glad people have taken to them and like them! :o)
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:29,

I like your work, and when I'm on and see it it's usually verily woo-worthy
(it's just a bit on the scary side too sometimes. that's not a bad thing, and don't take any remarks of mine to be disparaging of your style. do more, not less, of them. scary or not)
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:20,
(it's just a bit on the scary side too sometimes. that's not a bad thing, and don't take any remarks of mine to be disparaging of your style. do more, not less, of them. scary or not)

glad you like my stuff- sorry if its a bit scary :o) (mwahahaaha) but you werent one of the people who were being nasty! :o)
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:24,

are taking wings to the extreme
click for woo (280K)
mod edit: sorry, but 280K is a bit big for the board, especially for a wooyay!
Skirite edit: oops uploaded the wrong one *blushes*
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:22,
click for woo (280K)
mod edit: sorry, but 280K is a bit big for the board, especially for a wooyay!
Skirite edit: oops uploaded the wrong one *blushes*

looking at your profile, i really like hybrid human eye. Do you mind if i steal it for my desktop, and does the "-small" imply there is a larger file about?
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:36,

begs the question "Why the hell hasn't he got himself a site?"
This stuff needs showing off :)
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:43,
This stuff needs showing off :)

Pompeys worst. Either you like volcano's or your from Portsmouth :)
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:48,

but i live in portsmouth! i needa better domain name! anyone wanna buy me one! :o)
( ,
Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:49,

yeah there is a bigger version on my website
i do have a lot of pics than can be used as wallpapers - rev-jesse-c.deviantart.com/wallpapers/
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Fri 22 Apr 2005, 19:44,
i do have a lot of pics than can be used as wallpapers - rev-jesse-c.deviantart.com/wallpapers/