a football pitch sized field can supply 1000 people with food for a year. An area the size of London could feed most of the world. It's just that we don't use it efficiently, and business doesn't want us to distribute it...
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Sun 19 Jun 2005, 13:01,

*claps sarcastically*
I for one love a diet consisting of only one thing, and healthy it is too.
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Sun 19 Jun 2005, 13:04,
I for one love a diet consisting of only one thing, and healthy it is too.

varied diet and everything, even some animals...all the hunter gatherers in the world now add up to only a few thousand, we need to keep these skills, cos if the internet or supply routes ever go down, for whatever reason, everyones gonna be fucked with no tesco to go to...
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Sun 19 Jun 2005, 13:10,

im glad others are starting to see the importance of these cultures to us :)
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Sun 19 Jun 2005, 13:14,

that if all of a sudden, the tv, phonelines, and supermarkets all shut down, no-one would have a clue what to do...most of us wouldn't survive a week...probably all get killed by marauding bands of chavs...
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Sun 19 Jun 2005, 13:20,

but I do think we need to get sorted down here as well...we spend billions on getting a space station up there, while down here millions of people are dying...lets face it though, if all 6 and a half billion of us got cars and nice houses, there wouldnt be enough room by half...either we expand, or we die, and the planet comes with us...
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Sun 19 Jun 2005, 13:27,

Quite a lot of those acres would not be very nice, mind you, due to being in antarctica. But having said that, I currently inhabit about a hundredth of an acre, and I'm sharing that with a couple of other people. Only a bit more than 1% of the planet's land surface is "urban" (according the UN, I think). So this sort of stuff is hard to figure out.
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Sun 19 Jun 2005, 13:47,

are they including those bits which are infact very wet?
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Sun 19 Jun 2005, 14:06,

so i assumed it was their calculations which they may have biased by including the oceans and seas in their "planet surface"
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Sun 19 Jun 2005, 14:22,

the point being, we dont have to manage it, that totalitarian agriculture and everythng that stems from it just makes things harder and harder for us.. to support it is to support a system that makes life exponentially worse for everything on the planet. ( and will continue to do so)
And until we release food to be freely available, mankind will continue being forced down an unnatural route of consumption until the planet is all consumed.
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Sun 19 Jun 2005, 13:19,
And until we release food to be freely available, mankind will continue being forced down an unnatural route of consumption until the planet is all consumed.

Once again, the system we have in place is the only thing letting you have, perpetuate and spread you opinions.
And the reason food isnt freely available is that most people dont want to make there own food - i would rather pay someone who knows what they are doing, however indirectly.
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Sun 19 Jun 2005, 13:27,
And the reason food isnt freely available is that most people dont want to make there own food - i would rather pay someone who knows what they are doing, however indirectly.

sigh.... but you still endorse a regieme that is not the freely flowing evolution of a species... you would rather force them into the way you are routined into.. you seem to think that your way of life 'IS' the best way to live and everyone should live that way..
ideas spread without the need for computers, im just abusing the technology to try to get people to see the illusion/lie instead of being blinkered to it.
and your reason why food isnt freely available is just so flawed, that is not the case whatsoever, go have a chat to a homeless person, or go read cain and able ( the story of man starting farming)
These are just simple changes instead of the initial blinkered' NO WE CANT CHANGE' that many people are routined into...
' Why dont we get restaurants to give leftover food away to homeless instead of locking it away in the bins behind gates behind the restaurants?
routine routine routine.. the robots way
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Sun 19 Jun 2005, 14:43,
ideas spread without the need for computers, im just abusing the technology to try to get people to see the illusion/lie instead of being blinkered to it.
and your reason why food isnt freely available is just so flawed, that is not the case whatsoever, go have a chat to a homeless person, or go read cain and able ( the story of man starting farming)
These are just simple changes instead of the initial blinkered' NO WE CANT CHANGE' that many people are routined into...
' Why dont we get restaurants to give leftover food away to homeless instead of locking it away in the bins behind gates behind the restaurants?
routine routine routine.. the robots way