Now now bob,
Don't be getting all Beard righteous.
PMGT -Bacon.,
Sat 24 Sep 2005, 0:21,
The sculpting of facial hair is the work of the devil.
In the Manley household any man who sculpts his facial hair or wears cologne is an outcast.
Lord Manley of Ven - please?,
Sat 24 Sep 2005, 0:32,
Does shaving count?
That's all I do with my facial hair.
I trim it with scissors occasionally.
The Mock TurtIe ™ --- Thinks you are a cunt, on,
Sat 24 Sep 2005, 0:34,
Shaving is fine
As long as it is all or nothing - no poncing around with goatees outside of talk like a pirate season.
Lord Manley of Ven - please?,
Sat 24 Sep 2005, 0:53,