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That is NOT a woman.
SugarSpunSister Yeah, whatever ,
Wed 30 Nov 2005, 20:38,
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it's a PICTURE of a woman
Yeknom. Incontinence and Premature ejaculation? Easy come, easy go. ,
Wed 30 Nov 2005, 20:39,
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*raises eyebrow*
i doubt that.
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Wed 30 Nov 2005, 20:39,
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it isn't a pipe edit: AICMFP
ygolyhuop; jkb;vi ,
Wed 30 Nov 2005, 20:39,
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Would you?
SugarSpunSister Yeah, whatever ,
Wed 30 Nov 2005, 20:40,
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it's a DIGITAL REPRESENTATION of a picture of a woman
deodar ant trois minutes douche compris ,
Wed 30 Nov 2005, 20:40,
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how true
*is pwned*
Yeknom. Incontinence and Premature ejaculation? Easy come, easy go. ,
Wed 30 Nov 2005, 20:42,
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it's the ELECTRONIC SIGNALS in the brain
caused by the PHOTONS emitted by the screen that is displaying the DIGITAL REPRESENTATION of a PICTURE of a WOMAN.
grey matter ,
Wed 30 Nov 2005, 20:48,
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how true
*is pwned*
deodar ant trois minutes douche compris ,
Wed 30 Nov 2005, 20:54,
archived )
But it is now .
Alfinch With wisdom comes owls ,
Wed 30 Nov 2005, 20:40,
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It's a Belgian chocolate profiterole
topped with finest cream. /M&S
Andy- ,
Wed 30 Nov 2005, 20:44,
archived )
"This is no ordinary butch lesbian"
SugarSpunSister Yeah, whatever ,
Wed 30 Nov 2005, 20:45,
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That advert does make me laugh. :)
Andy- ,
Wed 30 Nov 2005, 20:50,
archived )
he said
a wome n anyway dur brain
chongma ,
Wed 30 Nov 2005, 20:44,
archived )
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