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mofaha ┐( ˘_˘)┌ ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ ,
Thu 26 Jan 2006, 21:13,
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anchovies - food of the gods
the gods of salty fish
Mehitabel_Itrang ,
Thu 26 Jan 2006, 21:15,
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hairy fish
mofaha ┐( ˘_˘)┌ ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ ,
Thu 26 Jan 2006, 21:16,
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true, but that's nothing to bacon rind with the hairs not quite singed off enough
and real, fresh anchovies are ace
Mehitabel_Itrang ,
Thu 26 Jan 2006, 21:20,
archived )
woo yay
for randomness! and "hooray I am starvin"
abandonnship ,
Thu 26 Jan 2006, 21:15,
archived )
heh heh
hooray for a spare 5 minutes and a stupid idea.
mofaha ┐( ˘_˘)┌ ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ ,
Thu 26 Jan 2006, 21:17,
archived )
hooray indeed
abandonnship ,
Thu 26 Jan 2006, 21:20,
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nobody says 'enormous' anymore. hang on i'll check
Sunshine Elephant ,
Thu 26 Jan 2006, 21:16,
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apparently 55 have recently due to glassco.cx
i still don't believe this 'science'
Sunshine Elephant ,
Thu 26 Jan 2006, 21:17,
archived )
and whatever happened to 'eumphazard'
that was a short fad
Sunshine Elephant ,
Thu 26 Jan 2006, 21:17,
archived )
anchovies. No need to check.
mofaha ┐( ˘_˘)┌ ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ ,
Thu 26 Jan 2006, 21:17,
archived )
woo! have a patriotic side dish to go with that
ohhhhh and I now offically dislike google turns out that if you search for something, it goes off and pre-fetches the top result without you asking fucking bandwidth stealers
Reckless_Rik ,
Thu 26 Jan 2006, 21:17,
archived )
That's a feature of the browser - don't blame Google
You can turn it off, you know.
gfreeman is only here for the beer ,
Thu 26 Jan 2006, 21:24,
archived )
did you not know about that?
mr horrible up yours, dickface ,
Thu 26 Jan 2006, 21:24,
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You mean it opens the first result in a new window without it being clicked? Or it loads it into cache?
mofaha ┐( ˘_˘)┌ ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ ,
Thu 26 Jan 2006, 21:26,
archived )
Prolly means the latter
gfreeman is only here for the beer ,
Thu 26 Jan 2006, 21:28,
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Ah, thank you
And yes, it appears that it's a feature of the browser, can't really blame google for that Rik, you big sillyhead.
mofaha ┐( ˘_˘)┌ ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ ,
Thu 26 Jan 2006, 21:31,
archived )
the prefetch attribute was intended for in-site prefetching of pages, images, etc.
i.e. stuff you`ve elected to view what if you jokingly google "child porn" and have stuff pumped down your connection? ultimately google makes its money from site referrals, and is artificially driving up traffic to sites
Reckless_Rik ,
Thu 26 Jan 2006, 21:35,
archived )
haha! how hatstand :)
mugatu ,
Thu 26 Jan 2006, 21:17,
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