but I think the Muslims have a point when they
say that the same 'free' press wouldn't have dared
print cartoons that were caricatures of Jews.
Sure, these cartoons were supposed to be about
Mohammed and not Arabs, but come on, they were
really caricatures of Arabs being terrorists.
edit: don't mind me, I've just not had a
chance to discuss this with a westerner.

Or less?
If there are Arab terrorists, surely drawing an Arab terrorist isn't racist, it's real?
( ,
Mon 6 Feb 2006, 16:17,
If there are Arab terrorists, surely drawing an Arab terrorist isn't racist, it's real?

racist stereotypes. The cartoons, whilst being
about Mohammed, really invoke a stereotype of
Muslims as being terrorists. I just wonder if
if the European press would be so enthusiastic
to reprint cartoons that invoke a Jewish stereotype?
( ,
Mon 6 Feb 2006, 16:27,
about Mohammed, really invoke a stereotype of
Muslims as being terrorists. I just wonder if
if the European press would be so enthusiastic
to reprint cartoons that invoke a Jewish stereotype?

if the Jews responded with the same kind of hypocritical lunacy as the Muslims did ...
( ,
Mon 6 Feb 2006, 18:41,

The jews aren't strapping bombs to themselves and running around shouting Allah jihad, are they?
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Tue 7 Feb 2006, 20:44,

the ira is a terror organisation.
the irish people are not.
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Mon 6 Feb 2006, 16:28,
the irish people are not.

all the arabs are Irish? You'd think they would bbe a bit more relaxed about thing then. Instead of jihad this and fatwah that it'd be all "Well, now, lets jihad tomorrow after a few beers dontchakno"
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Mon 6 Feb 2006, 23:02,

but newspaper satirists *do* put up anti Israeli cartoons, which detractors/jewish groups claim are anti-semitic (whether they are or not is a moot point). You could equally argue these are as justifiable, as it's a response to the same problem in both religions, a small amount of extremists causing trouble for the rest of the populace.
anyway, have a picture of my cat to make up for hte serious bit:

( ,
Mon 6 Feb 2006, 16:17,
anyway, have a picture of my cat to make up for hte serious bit:

that they have as much right to complain as the press have to publish stuff, and that freedom to say something should not preclude thinking about whether it is a good idea or not.
They kinda throw it all away by flag burning, embassy burning, country boycotting, racism, religious hatred, violence ... the list goes on.
You can't very well respond to an accusation of terrorist behaviour with public acts of violence and terrorism and still expect respect.
Have a pint and chill.

( ,
Mon 6 Feb 2006, 18:36,
They kinda throw it all away by flag burning, embassy burning, country boycotting, racism, religious hatred, violence ... the list goes on.
You can't very well respond to an accusation of terrorist behaviour with public acts of violence and terrorism and still expect respect.
Have a pint and chill.

1) Of the twelve cartoons which were printed, I'd say that about two were very critical of Islam (the one with the bomb being the most prominent). Most other cartoons were just jokes or plain illustrations. Several cartoons were critical of the newspaper. Anyone who disagrees should take a look at the actual cartoons.
2) If you want to see Arabs acting like terrorists, don't bother looking for the newspaper. Just turn on the TV.
3) Cartoons depicting Jews are abundant in the Arab press. These are often very hateful. Jyllands-Posten reprinted twelve of these cartoons in their recent Sunday issue but so far the Jews are have not burned any embassies.
BTW: I am not implying that neither Arabs nor Muslims are crackpots in general. However, it is evident from recent events that some are. Unfortunately they are claiming to represent all Muslims. We should remember that they don't. Also, we should not in any way refrain from making fun of Mohammed, the Pope, leprechauns, intelligent design or the flying spaghetti monster just because they belong to the realm of religion.
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Tue 7 Feb 2006, 10:00,
2) If you want to see Arabs acting like terrorists, don't bother looking for the newspaper. Just turn on the TV.
3) Cartoons depicting Jews are abundant in the Arab press. These are often very hateful. Jyllands-Posten reprinted twelve of these cartoons in their recent Sunday issue but so far the Jews are have not burned any embassies.
BTW: I am not implying that neither Arabs nor Muslims are crackpots in general. However, it is evident from recent events that some are. Unfortunately they are claiming to represent all Muslims. We should remember that they don't. Also, we should not in any way refrain from making fun of Mohammed, the Pope, leprechauns, intelligent design or the flying spaghetti monster just because they belong to the realm of religion.

make fun of the pope? Neither the old and very dead or the new hip one.
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Tue 7 Feb 2006, 17:49,

oh well, at least you didn't say "mohammedian" or something.
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Tue 7 Feb 2006, 22:13,

On a slightly unrelated note, as far as I know written Arab and written Hebrew both consist entirely of consonants so I suppose you could have transcribed the words in different ways in the first place. (I am aware that Arab does have a way of indicating vowels but I also believe that these are optional. Or am I wrong? As for Hebrew, I may be wrong altogether)
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Wed 8 Feb 2006, 7:18,