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# Now that is just wonderful
Woo, Yay, Hoopla, Panowie! Top tattying! :)
(, Thu 16 Mar 2006, 23:02, archived)
# Panowie ? not heard that word before.
(, Thu 16 Mar 2006, 23:05, archived)
# Panowie doesn't get used
very often. It is the highest of praise.
(, Thu 16 Mar 2006, 23:05, archived)
# It's Polish for "gentlemen"
according to repcak, who introduced it to the board.

(, Thu 16 Mar 2006, 23:24, archived)
# and poligen?
(, Thu 16 Mar 2006, 23:31, archived)
# I'm not entirely sure..
whether that's Slovak, Serbo-Croatian, or what.

Kasto, krut!
(, Thu 16 Mar 2006, 23:34, archived)
# whatever it means
b3ta.com comes up 7th if you google it
(, Thu 16 Mar 2006, 23:40, archived)
# Panowie is a word reserved for the finest of work
a word beyond woo yay and houpla in terms of significance
(, Thu 16 Mar 2006, 23:06, archived)
# Its liek Darth Vader, the best at everything
, and rarely used for minor jobs

EDIT: or so ive heard
(, Thu 16 Mar 2006, 23:07, archived)