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..and they're both mine for christmas time.
(, Thu 19 Dec 2002, 15:13, archived)
# This has made me laugh!
(, Thu 19 Dec 2002, 15:15, archived)
# Is that...
Billy Corgan?!
(, Thu 19 Dec 2002, 15:16, archived)
# er..
Just some Norwegian dougnut from Impailed Nazarene or Dark Throne i think.
(, Thu 19 Dec 2002, 15:19, archived)
# ...
It's Fenriz from the kings of Black Metal, Darkthrone.
(, Thu 19 Dec 2002, 23:47, archived)
# That reminds me
of when I went to see Cradle of Filth at the Astoria Black Christmas a while back. What a laugh!!! We had 200 death metallers in the queue singing Kum-By-Ah all the way round Soho square. Fantastic.

The music was crap though.
(, Thu 19 Dec 2002, 15:17, archived)
# I went to that
The ear fell off of that pigs head while it was being thrown about and landed on my foot.

I have now retired from my black metal days just to worship the dark potatoshop demons
(, Thu 19 Dec 2002, 15:38, archived)
# funny death metal story
This happened a few years ago around Halloween...
I went to a show with some friends, it was a bunch of local death metal bands doing a pre-halloween show. Crap music, but fun nonetheless. One of the bands was doing silly shit like throwing gobs of fake blood into the audience. Anyways, I ended up with some of it spattered across half my face. Bleah. A hour or so later I left, and was driving some friends home, when I get stopped by a police car. It's just one of those checkpoints they set up sometimes, to look for people drinking & driving. The cop asks me if I've had anything to drink, I say no, he lets me go. A few minutes later, it dawns on me that I still have fake blood spattered across half my face and all in my hair. And the copper didn't say a thing.
(, Thu 19 Dec 2002, 19:20, archived)