Not yet,
as soon as Huey Lewis and the News turn up, then I'll change.
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old,
Thu 9 Jan 2003, 15:59,
Yeah, they'll be along soon
I booked them to perform at the party as a favour as I'm improbably best friends with them. Even the bikers'll dance to them.
Thu 9 Jan 2003, 16:03,
on my GOD
what am I going to DO? Huey Lewis is nearly here already and my God-damn date stood me up! Stupid College boys...
I'm supposed to be going to be PROM QUEEN, goddamit! I can't be Prom Queen without a date!
...uh, Bryan?
Dr Phil Kitten,
Thu 9 Jan 2003, 16:10,
why, you''re...beautiful!
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old,
Thu 9 Jan 2003, 16:15,