Fair enough.
ooh! Two on the popular page now!
LordManley twitter.com/LordManley,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 1:06,
i think the people in the room next to mine are having sex.
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right?,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 1:08,
Jump up and down on your bed
and shout 'fuckmefuckmefuckmefuckmefuckme' a bit.
LordManley twitter.com/LordManley,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 1:10,
hmmm... my bed is quite squeaky
i might to go to bed instead
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right?,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 1:12,
I used to have a girlfriend who used to shout that.
Eventually I had to resort to shouting 'What the fuck do you think I am doing here?' at her.
LordManley twitter.com/LordManley,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 1:15,
i dont find "fuck me" very erotic.
i'll try and think of something better.. and a name.
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right?,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 1:16,
It's better than shagging a computer geek and hearing
"FUCK ME, control a, control c, control v, control v, control v, control v,"
Yeknom. Incontinence and Premature ejaculation? Easy come, easy go.,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 1:24,
I actually typed fuckmefuckmefuckmefuckmefuckme.
Although now I cannot imagine why.
(although I did do it again that time too.)
LordManley twitter.com/LordManley,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 1:26,
the tought of people having sex makes me want to retreat to my bed too
for a few minutes at least
Yeknom. Incontinence and Premature ejaculation? Easy come, easy go.,
Mon 20 Nov 2006, 1:13,