I'll be honest, the Hillsborogh thing or the taking the piss out of scousers thing don't bother me. It's the lack of humour, yo!
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Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:28,

and I will laugh at almost any subject. Almost nothing is taboo... IF IT IS NECESSARY to the joke.... Hillsborough reference in last frame is neither funny, or necessary and I for one thinks it is totally out of order. I neither like Liverpool F.C. or have any particulat affection for Scousers.... but when people on this site jump up and down in fits 'cos somebody posted a previously posted image (I refuse to use the stupid phrase that has become fashionable by the kids on here) or some corporation use some fuck-wit's idea for part of an ad campaign then the powers that be get on their high-horses and bleat like fuck about the injustice. GET FUCKING REAL FOLKS....
And as to his claim to be a Liverpool F.C. fan?.... pfttt... yeah.... tell that to the Marines!
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Thu 22 Mar 2007, 11:12,
And as to his claim to be a Liverpool F.C. fan?.... pfttt... yeah.... tell that to the Marines!

for someone whos been around 4 years, you seem to have missed the dark edge that b3tans have.
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Fri 23 Mar 2007, 17:03,

I can't believe the guy is claiming to be a Liverpool fan really.
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Fri 23 Mar 2007, 17:11,