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# Must...not....do...a..GE...furtive...
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:19, archived)
# Nite all
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:22, archived)
# Say my name, say my name..
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:25, archived)
# Is zat
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:27, archived)
# I don't get it
but hey, that's me.
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:29, archived)
# nope not me
but it wasn't cryptic.
I told you what they were doing :)
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:31, archived)
# can you explain
binary to me please
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:41, archived)
# sure, but first
I just got self answering spam
My inbox subject line reads:
What would you do with an extra $20,000?
then the one below it is
Buy Viagra Online Overnight Without A Prescription!

is this some kind of joke? ;)
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:45, archived)
# Not to the erectily dysfunctional it's not.
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:47, archived)
# I've heard it's good for the tomato plants
don't needs stakes to stay up
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:49, archived)
# :)
*remembers that nice badum tish animated gif and the accompanying noise it triggered off*
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:58, archived)
# wow
the eternal stiffy.
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 4:19, archived)
# So ya
gonna buy it off me or not
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:49, archived)
# erm....
0x B3A2D B07 ?
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:29, archived)
# oh dead that looks like Advril Latrine's follow up single title
'Ox BeasT Boy'
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:32, archived)
# I've always found
hexadecimal humour a difficult subject

Now I really should F0 FF 2B ED

(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:33, archived)
# there are only 10 different kinds of people in the world you know
those that get binary humour and those that don't.
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:37, archived)
# Yay!
11 bien!
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:38, archived)
# me too
I like the avril latrine comment, I hate that cunt.
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:37, archived)
# i am compelled to repost
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 8:50, archived)
# é]£m^Û–.Õ‰U

and I'm stealing that joke, Fnord
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:37, archived)
# there are patterns in numbers, finobacci saw that.
Some you need to look at in detail, some you need to stand back and see the bigger picture.
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:40, archived)
# patterns in numbers
pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi
12:45 restate my assumptions. 1. Mathematics is the language of nature. @. everything around us can e represented and understood through numbers. 3. if you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge.
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:45, archived)
# 12:45?
American east coast?
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:52, archived)
# ooh i just noticed that hours later.
not east coast. (we're 5 hours behind) its a line from the movie PI by Darren Aronofsky, the same one who did Requiem for a Dream
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 6:28, archived)
# for a start there's nothing to say that those digits are binary rather than denary or octary
nor is there a definite sign that they mean anything numerically, or that they are to be 'read' left to right top to bottom.
They could be read in a spiral into the middle and they might 'mean' someting else.
I gave them a very simple meaning, and the brain is always ready to map it's own expectations and make it's best guess at what lies before it.

To be free of the need to classify everything as something familair is to be able and happy to leap into the unknown and still not know what it is even after you leap back again.

No matter how much you 'know' there'll always be a whole world of things you don't. The mysteries of life are what drove the mind forward and spurred it's growth.

Anyway, enough eloquent prose from me I think for tonight. If you're still wondering the guy is Flibz and it's one of his new text speech thingy pictures and I made him say my name, in a kind of Woodstock from Peanuts way - Spelling out the letters with 1's and padding out the spaces with 0's.
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:55, archived)
# Damn!
I looked for a woo yay embedded in the 1's but couldn't (and still can't) see any letters. Nice one.

/edit. No no! I see it now! That was good. I love puzzles (though I'm not great at getting the answers as you can see). Thanks!
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:57, archived)
# the very different sizes of the 1's and the 0's make anything put in there very hard to see visually
you really had to conceptualise the pattern of 1's and 0's for it to have become evident.
It was interesting what other things came up from other attempts at deciphering it.

Graphologists and the ilk make careers out of analysing not the letters and numbers themeselves but how they are written and arranged and what subconscious things going on influenced them, so in a complimentary way as a rorschach ink blot - the way you express something can tell a lot about you, as can the way you try to make sense of something.

(sorry I know i'm rambling)
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 4:07, archived)
# Hmm. It might be better
if you used a mono font, where all the letters have equal space. Or, maybe just reverse the pattern -- use the 0's as characters, since they're more dominant, and the 1's as filler.

Or perhaps that would ruin your fun.
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 4:12, archived)
# it was all a random evolution
I was just experimenting to see if Flibz's thing would accept return carriages without them coming up as a {br} line break thing as many other dynamic images do.
The image is created on the fly off his server and you can put your own text into it. There are quite a few of these. (sorry if i'm telling you stuff you already know) Kerry has made some including one with me on it.
Anyway to test out the line break i just randomly hit the keypad to get soem chars and then hit return, it turned out I had a mostly binary string of 1's and 0's so I copied and pasted them and then thought i'd make some kind of pattern.
Fnord was just the first thing that sprung to mind and seemed doable, a little tricky perhaps width wise, but then the naural instincts of 1 meaning something and 0 meaning nothing took over and I used 1's to mean a bit of the letter without thinking about the readability of it.
The finished thing ready and previewed I just needed a subject for it, so a bit of 'pop music' sufficed as I figured most people would be familiar with a reference to it.
I didn't really expect the binary to send off hidden message signals in ppl's minds, but could see why it did.
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 4:21, archived)
# how profound
and so very true
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:59, archived)
# there is no spork

(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 8:57, archived)
# Hmmm ...
I'm still not getting it. I parsed it into the standard 4-bit nibbles, but converting that to hexi just gave me gibberish.

Howzabout a (little) hint?
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:55, archived)
# You're thinking in too much detail
I just used simple elements to build a complex pattern
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 3:57, archived)
# Let's just say
my mind is too highly trained for this sort of thing.

(Be nice and pretend you believe that ...)

/edit: "denay" ?
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 4:01, archived)
# i totally understand what you're saying there :)
and yes shoul dhave been denary, the odd typo creeps in now and again. Not 100% sure of the official term for denary and octary but i figured i'd continue the theme and ppl would know what I meant ;) (for once)
(edit: i'll leave that typo in as a further example ;)
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 4:10, archived)
# Actually, I wasn't picking
pedantically on a typo.

I didn't realise it was spelled wrong, and I don't know what base denary is.

And the "mind is too highly trained ..." is from Hitchhiker's. Please don't think for a moment that I'm serious there. ;-)

All right, it's b-time for the monkey. But tomorrow, I've got a puzzle for you.
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 4:14, archived)
# pedantics is not a bad thing
it's impossible to tell, as we've shown here, whether people make mistakes through a typing error or through not knowing.
Pointing out the facts means that they will learn if they didn't know, but if they already know they may take offence at the person thinking they didn't know.

Binary means in two's bi = 2 essentially and following on from that denary is in 10's like decimal, oct is 8 (like october the 10th month ;) but you know oct already from octagons and suchforth.

I am very much a Hitchhiker's fan so no problems in getting that quote.
Night night.
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 4:32, archived)
# I'm a Hitchcock fan
Glorious technicolor!
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 5:28, archived)
# October, of course
IS the eighth month.

If you happen to be a Roman.
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 6:34, archived)
# I know some Romans
they run what must be a fitness club down the road, doing showers and things
(, Thu 23 Jan 2003, 7:07, archived)