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# out and about 1
(, Sun 6 May 2007, 17:11, archived)
# *twizzles moustache thoughtfully*
(, Sun 6 May 2007, 17:14, archived)
# O RLY!
(, Sun 6 May 2007, 17:18, archived)
# Haha
That old lady is looking round and saying to here mate, " here Doris, it's that idiot who thinks he's Robert Page *titter*"
(, Sun 6 May 2007, 17:18, archived)
# or is it imnotplayinganymore with stuck on facial hair?
(, Sun 6 May 2007, 17:26, archived)
# who?
Oh this guy ;)

(, Sun 6 May 2007, 17:51, archived)
# That old woman...
...Would. Its that geritric smile that does it for me.!

(, Sun 6 May 2007, 17:21, archived)
# haha
(, Sun 6 May 2007, 17:27, archived)
# (marginally) Not worth its own thread
but a great source pic, and just about safe for work.
Clicky Here
I posted it as a link coz its ripped from a hd dvd (ie Massive), heres a clue:
(schwarzenegger voice):
"Chummon bayebee, juno yuur ze voman hof my jeans"
(, Sun 6 May 2007, 17:27, archived)
# hahahaha Total Recall?
(, Sun 6 May 2007, 17:45, archived)
# Think so...
can't remember.
(, Sun 6 May 2007, 17:50, archived)
# *spangs*
(, Sun 6 May 2007, 17:57, archived)
# recall - remember
arf arf arf

Just watched it for the first time in years. What a fucking movie! A story every bit as good as blade runner etc, yet between arnie and paul verhoven they managed to fuck it up so bad it becomes sort of a shlock-schlience-fiction. Great stuff and worth watching again, it really is a laugh a minute.
(, Sun 6 May 2007, 18:01, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Sun 6 May 2007, 17:57, archived)