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# Yeah,
That ad and that crappy 'MOOOOON PIIIG!' ad.

You, Sir, get a click! (and a woo too)
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 12:43, archived)
# Fucking moon pig.
Jingles should be banned.
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 12:54, archived)
# what is this
moon pig you speak of?

/hardly watches telly
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 13:02, archived)
# Commercial for an online greetings card place
Where some soulless women sing 'moon piiiiiig' over and over and over again.
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 13:05, archived)
# That sounds
like something that would make me want to spill blood.
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 13:06, archived)
# Click here, & experience teh fear
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 13:05, archived)
# What?!
There is no fear, only anger.
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 13:08, archived)
# here

warning you will lose time that you will not get back.
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 13:07, archived)
# This is why I hate commercial radio
How many designers does it take to change a light bulb?

Couldn't say… ask an account executive.
(from Ed Engel, DesPeres, Missouri)

Does it have to be a light bulb?
(from Larnie Higgins, Atlanta, Georgia)

No time to change the lightbulb, just make it look better.
(from Joshua Swanbeck, San Jose, California)
(, Tue 19 Jun 2007, 13:15, archived)