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There is no spoon
Instead I give you a fork.

(surprisingly, not bindun before)
Arsonist burns pubic hair for a living,
Tue 17 Jun 2008, 19:22,
about time!
*hasn't had a good forking in ages*
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet,
Tue 17 Jun 2008, 19:24,
*attempts forking*
*tines too early!*
Redsushi! Whoop! Whoop! Yes, that one!,
Tue 17 Jun 2008, 19:30,
the handle! use the handle!
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet,
Tue 17 Jun 2008, 19:31,
Is that a line from Star Whores?
Redsushi! Whoop! Whoop! Yes, that one!,
Tue 17 Jun 2008, 19:37,
made famous during a conversation between princess lay 'er and jabba the slut.
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet,
Tue 17 Jun 2008, 19:39,
And dont forget
Ben Obi Wan Ken-bumrape!
Redsushi! Whoop! Whoop! Yes, that one!,
Tue 17 Jun 2008, 19:42,
ah, yes
and the brave captain hanjob solo
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet,
Tue 17 Jun 2008, 19:43,
Maybe you should get together with Mushroom.
my other username is a porsche , posting shit pictures so you don't have to,
Tue 17 Jun 2008, 19:30,
yeah, i've heard he's a fungi to be with
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet,
Tue 17 Jun 2008, 19:31,
Well I heard that he was Shit(aki)
Hung like a button!
Redsushi! Whoop! Whoop! Yes, that one!,
Tue 17 Jun 2008, 19:34,
yes, but it's shaped like a parasol
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet,
Tue 17 Jun 2008, 19:38,
Have you got something you want to get off your chest(nut)?
my other username is a porsche , posting shit pictures so you don't have to,
Tue 17 Jun 2008, 19:39,
Sounds alright
so long as it's not a stinkhorn.
Killer Vanilla puts the win in Darwin,
Tue 17 Jun 2008, 19:42,
Nah it's not,
morel's the pity.
my other username is a porsche , posting shit pictures so you don't have to,
Tue 17 Jun 2008, 19:44,
don't talk a load of cep
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet,
Tue 17 Jun 2008, 19:46,
Back to killers point,
I heard it smells like (toad)stool!
Redsushi! Whoop! Whoop! Yes, that one!,
Tue 17 Jun 2008, 19:48,
Yeah, some of these puns are crimini
Killer Vanilla puts the win in Darwin,
Tue 17 Jun 2008, 19:49,
no spork
not a complete win, but definately worth of a click :o)
doph no time like the precedent,
Tue 17 Jun 2008, 19:25,
I think I like his face
yes, I believe I do.
Face will put on her red shoes and nrans the blues,
Tue 17 Jun 2008, 19:36,
all fork and no play makes keanu reeves a dull actor
Walrus Man Think hippy thoughts,
Tue 17 Jun 2008, 19:39,
Dr Scunner She’s a he, technically, but she’s scalding hot,
Tue 17 Jun 2008, 20:51,
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