this, Ladies and Gentlemen, is a prime example of what excessive use of tanning salons can do to your skin...
...this poor lady is only 32.
hehehe, woo-ful stuff sir :D
theoriginalsteve <this space intentionally left blank>,
Tue 2 Sep 2008, 9:42,
she looks like someone's over estimated hot much tinfoil they'll need
and they tried to put it back on the roll... it never works!
Prof UnderCover evitable,
Tue 2 Sep 2008, 9:46,
Steve, she does look rather wrinkled. Shoulda used a higher factor!
Tue 2 Sep 2008, 9:47,
I'd die if I went to one of them
Me and the sun don't get on, I can imagine I'd turn into a frazzle if I went in a tanning shop.
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous,
Tue 2 Sep 2008, 9:48,
tanning shops is evil
you quite often find that they sell prescription slimming drugs over the counter (if you find the right one) and you can gets eye aids by looking in through the window... also they give you cancer, in a bag.
Prof UnderCover evitable,
Tue 2 Sep 2008, 9:50,