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# i completed Braid last night
i felt all proud n stuff for not cheating once!

next on my list is getting that fooking Wax off achievement in GW~evolved.....
(, Tue 14 Oct 2008, 16:40, archived)
# Ive only played the demo of braid, is it worth forking out money for?
(, Tue 14 Oct 2008, 16:42, archived)
# if you can resist the urge to cheat when you get stuck
(and you will get stuck) and you stick with it, it's a great
feeling of accomplishment. But if not, then no
once you go back to the levels that seemed impossible and it
all clicks into place, it's only a short ride from the end.

(, Tue 14 Oct 2008, 16:45, archived)
# How can you cheat?
There cheat codes or something?
The demo was alright, but if all the levels were pretty similar I didnt see the point, Id rather spend my points on megaman or doom or duke nukem :D
(, Tue 14 Oct 2008, 16:47, archived)
# there's walkthroughs for every level on Youtube
i'm saving the rest of ma points for SSFIIHD!
(, Tue 14 Oct 2008, 16:51, archived)
# Thats just cheating, whats the point!
Thats super street fighter something somethign something something something....
(, Tue 14 Oct 2008, 16:53, archived)
# exactly
but some of the puzzles seem so impossible i can
see why some may give up and peek at the answers....

Castle Crashers FTW!
*fully maxed Grey Knight FTW2!*
(, Tue 14 Oct 2008, 16:59, archived)
# SFIIHD - hell yeah!
apparently, Marvel vs Capcom 2 is coming out too
(, Tue 14 Oct 2008, 16:53, archived)
# whoop!
and then the one with Capcom Vs japanese unpronouncable animation studio (Battle of the Planets! dudes)
is coming to Wii!

i Just bought two Hori arcade sticks in preparation for SF4....

(, Tue 14 Oct 2008, 16:57, archived)