now that really does surprise me
would expect you to have a shed load of fp's.
i tend not to pay too much heed to pop' page and such, it's always nice/surprising to see one of mine on there but to be honest if i get a single nice comment on the board i'm a happy bunny, especially if it's from someone whose stuff i admire myself. the /board isn't noted for giving unbiased, considered, appraisals of work.
take the /board comments seriously at your peril.
( ,
Wed 12 Nov 2008, 9:34,
i tend not to pay too much heed to pop' page and such, it's always nice/surprising to see one of mine on there but to be honest if i get a single nice comment on the board i'm a happy bunny, especially if it's from someone whose stuff i admire myself. the /board isn't noted for giving unbiased, considered, appraisals of work.
take the /board comments seriously at your peril.