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Bored afternoon
Rose*~* attached to Tye in a non-human centipede way ,
Sat 21 Feb 2009, 20:31,
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most splendid
regrettable i've been bored witless today and mostly uninspired. it has been a lovely day though, spring is springing yay!!!
god save the queen making another unremarkable comeback ,
Sat 21 Feb 2009, 20:34,
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I was out working in it
and I think I almost approached getting sunburnt. quite a change from the SNOWY CARNAGE!!!!TM
arrangedletters ,
Sat 21 Feb 2009, 20:40,
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what sort albino mutant are you ???
by approached i take it you mean slightly dazzled when you looked directly into the sun.
god save the queen making another unremarkable comeback ,
Sat 21 Feb 2009, 20:43,
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I am of the gingers.
so the worst kind of albino mutant. didn't even wear a jumper today. mad shit.
arrangedletters ,
Sat 21 Feb 2009, 20:44,
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no jumper, i take my hat off to your bravery, it's supposed to be a bit cooler tomorrow it might be worth risking shorts, but keep your socks on, no point taking chances :)
god save the queen making another unremarkable comeback ,
Sat 21 Feb 2009, 20:47,
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true stuff
i see it all over the place. very nice.
sooperdave ,
Sat 21 Feb 2009, 20:40,
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this ams of the pretty :)
in other news I'm trying to find the enthusiasm to do a photoshop similar to this guys arts I want a mossy face. :D
arrangedletters ,
Sat 21 Feb 2009, 20:41,
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what's this made with?
Bloop Fri 16 Jul, 22:10 ,
Sat 21 Feb 2009, 20:49,
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acrylic paint and a white and black gel pen in my Moleskine sketchbook.
Rose*~* attached to Tye in a non-human centipede way ,
Sat 21 Feb 2009, 21:00,
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thnaks :)
Bloop Fri 16 Jul, 22:10 ,
Sat 21 Feb 2009, 21:03,
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I like this!
Redsushi! Enterprises express their sincerest approval of this arts!
Redsushi! Whoop! Whoop! Yes, that one! ,
Sat 21 Feb 2009, 21:01,
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